And considering I have the BEST siblings anyone could ask for (or be forced to have), I feel this post is just necessary.
There really are no words I can use to describe my siblings. Or the bond we have.
We've been through a lot together and through it all, we've kept each other laughing non-stop. We aren't your normal human beings. Our bond is much thicker than anyone could imagine. And we're an odd bunch. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Being with Ben and Leah is one of my most favorite places ever. Marrying a man in the military was one of the hardest things, not because of the dangerous military aspect, but because I had to leave behind my family. Every day I miss them more and more. My heart aches for their comfort. My face and abs do not get nearly the workout they used to from laughter when I was around them so much. Although, my laugh lines might not be AS bad as I was expecting as I age.
Anyway, my siblings are the freaking shit and I love them to death! And miss them something fierce!!
Because words do no justice, and because I love pictures, how about a mass amount of pictures of my siblings and I. I warn you, there are VERY few of us smiling and looking normal. But that's just not us. We're crazy, loud, obnoxious, inappropriate, vulgar, random, and any other fun word you can think of =)
Leah and Ben, thank you for always being there for me. For all the laughs. And all the laughs to come.
You two truly are my best friends and I cannot imagine life without you!
I seriously have thousands of photos of us. It's insane and I love it!
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