I want to give a special Happy Father's Day to my own father.
He's a man who doesn't get talked about too often on my blog. It has nothing to do with my love for him. Nothing at all.
You all hear about my mother. That's because she's one of my best friends. I have that very close "mother-daughter" relationship with her.
But my father is loved just as much. We just don't have that super close bond that you have with a mother. I mean, there is NO bond like there is between a mother and daughter. But we are close.
It's safe to say I'm much, much more like my mother. I like a lot more like her than my father. I have more of my mother's personality.
But there are some things I wish Dad had passed on to me. Such as:
- more of that Cherokee blood. I fall in the middle. My sister got the most of it, while my brother got the least of it. I wish I had more. I wish I was a little bit tanner. Dad, no matter what time of year, always has a nice shade of tan on him. I'm envious.
- his pallet. There are very rarely foods my father won't eat. I wish I was more like that. I'm so picky!
- his cooking. I'm learning but my father is a great cook and baker! Christmas is always fun because our house is over flowing with cookies and fudge!
- his useless knowledge. My father is like Nick. Their brains are full of the most useless trivia type knowledge. My dad can be in the kitchen, chopping up vegetables, with Jeopardy on in the living room, and just spout out all the answers. I'm always so impressed by his nerdiness for knowledge. I just don't remember things unless I'm TESTED on them and have studied them over and over.
Those are only a few but those are the traits I most wish he had passed along to me =/
My Dad has always been there for me. He has a huge heart and would lay down his life for my mother or any of his children. I will admit that Dad and I have not always gotten along (as most parents and kids don't always) and we have butted heads on a few certain topics, but what matters is at the end of the day, we can still hug and say "I love you"...and mean it. My Dad is very opinionated and even though my opinion differs from him on some things, he doesn't judge me for it. He doesn't love me any less for thinking differently than him.
I am thankful for BOTH my parents and how they raised us. Growing up, my parents had their views on things, but never once did they force their views or opinions on us. I cannot thank them enough for that. It allowed me to grow and decide my own stance, views, opinion, etc on my own.
My father is not really into sports but he spent so many weekday evenings cooking me dinner and then driving me to and from my sports practices...soccer, softball, volleyball, and basketball. He would attend my games, sitting in extreme heat, rain, sleet, snow, and extreme cold. Yep, he was that obnoxious Dad yelling from the stands. But aren't ALL dads like that??? At the time, I, along with my teammates, were embarrassed by our dads. But looking back, it makes me smile. It just showed how into the games he was, how much he loved and supported me.
Dad played the "protective Dad"...no dating until I was 16, and only after he had met him. Giving that firm handshake when he came to the door. Trying to tell me to be home at 9pm. (HA!) Not letting me leave the house in anything "slutty". Checking in my room if he woke up at 3am to make sure I was there. Making sure he knew where I was going, with whom, and when I'd be home.
Dad was there during my first break-up. He held me while I cried and (although he loved the guy the entire 3+ years we dated) talked about how he wasn't good enough for me and "I never liked him anyway."
Dad was always there to fix anything that broke. Cars (which I have bad luck with...I touch them and they break). He could fix any electronic, household item, furniture, etc. It's a quality I loved about him and miss so much. Nick didn't grow up fixing things, working on things, etc. He doesn't have an extensive tool set. I'm sure if something happened, he could figure out a way to make it happen. But Dad had everything you'd ever needed or anything you ever could needed. And he always knows instantly how to fix things.
Dad brags to anyone who will listen about anything us children do. Anything!
Dad was there to pack the van full to the max and drive me up to Columbia. And continue to come up every year after, move me, and put together my furniture. (Sorry for moving every year!!!)
When I got sick, Dad (and Mom) were in the car, instantly, and on the way to be by my side.
Dad sat with me during chemo, which is a HUGE task for him because that man cannot sit still! But 8 hours, he was there with me.
Dad watched me sit in pain and fear yet remained strong, not only for me, but for my entire family. I rarely saw tears even though I'm sure he shed a lot. He was our rock.
Dad comforted us all the night my hair fell out, finding the positive in such a horrible incident. ("At least we know the chemo is working now.")
Dad found so many friends of his to pray for me and they had people praying all over the world.
Dad allowed me to move back to Columbia during chemo to work and go to classes, even though it KILLED him and my mother to have me so far from home when so fragile.
Dad pretended to take an interest in wedding planning (we all knew he thought it was silly and a waste of money for so many things but he pretended to care lol). He acted as if he cared I finally decided on a invitation design or booked a limousine =)
Dad walked me down the aisle and gave me away....something I'm sure is hard to do.
Dad loves and accepts Nick as his own son. But more than those two, he highly approves of him...something hard for a Dad to do, I'm sure.
Dad takes such pride in his "grandpups". I know he (and Mom) wish they were real human children but he's happy just the same. (I promise, someday, you WILL have human grandkids.)
Most importantly, Dad makes sure, that even though I'm hundreds of miles away, that he knows I know he loves me very much and is thinking about me. He's always up to date on our weather, and calling if it seems questionable. He's always checking my blog for new updates. He's always checking my Facebook for new photos.
So although my Dad doesn't get a lot of spotlight on this blog, it's not because he's unloved. Dad is loved very, very much.
Daddy, I wish I were able to be home and celebrate with you. But I'm sure you're busy with all day with the new tools you got from us =) I hope you had a great day! I love you!
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Mom and Dad |
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