And just as we did with Yadi, we had a small celebration. While I am obsessed with my dogs, I am not one of those super crazy dog ladies that throws an actual party and invites people over.
Our celebration just consists of wearing party hats and taking some pictures, giving her presents (we don't wrap them because I'm lazy) and giving them a "cake".
Vino doesn't mind the hat at all. Actually, she doesn't even notice it's on her. Yadi, on the other hand, constantly swats the thing off her head. But we did manage to get a few photos (please excuse our looks. Nick worked all day and I had worked out but not yet showered).
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The Birthday Girl! |
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Now both my girls are one year old! |
We laid them out in front of her (while holding destructive Yadi back) and let her have her pick. At first, she tried to pick them ALL up in her mouth but could only manage to get two. She took her time with each one but eventually settled on the giraffe with a bottle inside (as we knew she would).
Then we let Yadi take her pick but they were quickly taken away seeing as all Yadi wants to do is rip them up and consume them.
Vino actually turned into a possessive brat. She'd growl and bark if Yadi came within 4 feet of her and her toys. If Yadi grabbed one, Vino would race over and try to take it from her. She's never been like this but I guess she's tired of not ever getting new toys because Yadi rips them all up.
(We are not those people that continually buy new toys if our dog(s) destroy them. You're just enabling that bad habit and wasting your money if you do that. Instead, try training them NOT to do it, if possible, and if they don't learn, stop buying them toys!)
After they played with the toys a bit, it was cake time!
For Yadi's birthday, I made a cake in the shape of a bone.
For Vino's birthday, I used the same recipe but made Pupcakes and frosted them with peanut butter.
(recipe can be found in my "Adventures in the Kitchen" section of my blog)
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(you can see where Vino got impatient & licked the right side) |
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can you tell who was more anxious for this pupcake??? |
Yadi of course gobbled hers up in seconds, whereas Vino took about 10 minutes just licking the peanut butter off the pupcake and then started eating it. (all while we had to hold Yadi back. The "leave it" command was not happening. She wanted Vino's pupcake way too badly!)
And that's it!
Happy First Birthday to the most perfect dog ever!!!!
Happy birthday Vino! These are the sweetest pictures. I wish I would have thought of putting a birthday hat on Riley (for pictures) on her birthday but I didn't. We did give her doggie ice cream though! I definitely want to try out your pupcake recipe for her :)