Yadi and Vino are both around one and a half years old. And in that time, they haven't ever experienced snow. We live in an area of Pensacola that never gets snow and last year when we were home for the holidays, it was in the 50's.
But this year we got lucky!!! On Friday evening, it began snowing. It wasn't much, maybe 3-4 inches, but it was just enough for them to play in!
We took Yadi and Vino outside and they absolutely LOVED it!!! Yadi's favorite was catching the snow balls Nick made. We let Vino off leash and she was just BOLTING around the neighborhood. She was just a flash of red. That girl is freaking fast as shit! She could put any greyhound to shame! We eventually had to catch her because we were afraid she would be hit by a car or go off exploring in the woods. (She's never run away, but she'd explore for a few hours before coming home.) The hard part is catching her. Vino is much more likely to hang around us if Yadi isn't around. But with Yadi outside, it was a game. She would come running and just before she was close enough to grab her collar, she'd fake us out and go running. This is her "come and get me sister!" move. When she does this in our yard back in Florida, Yadi will immediately begin to chase her and they play tag. We were finally able to get her to us and unfortunately she had to be a on leash. But we used one of my parents expandable leashes so she had a lot of room to run around.
Rogue and Zoey (Leah and Kyle {my sister and her boyfriend's}) dogs' came out and joined in the fun. All the dogs had a blast.
...that is, until we went inside and realized Yadi's yelp in the midst of playing was because she had hurt her paw =/
After this, Vino was terrified of going outside. She was not hitting the bells to go outside and THREE times she peed in the house! When we realized she suddenly stopped hitting the bells, we would just force her to go out every few hours. She would hide and when we put the leash on her, and we'd have to drag her and sometimes carry her 60 pound butt outside!!! (This is the girl who is OBSESSED with outside and is one with the earth.) Once she was outside, she kept her tail tucked, immediately found a place to do her thing (she normally sniffs around and explores for quite a while before popping a squat), and then runs back to the door to go inside.
She started this the morning after Yadi's injury (which was the first time she went out after it.) Could Vino have really made the connection that Yadi got hurt out there in the snow and she doesn't want to go out??? There is NOTHING we can think of that would have scared her from 9pm Friday to 9am Saturday morning. She had a BLAST in the snow on Friday night and didn't want to come in. Then the next morning, she was terrified of it. But are dogs really smart enough to make that connection of "outside/snow" and "Yadi got hurt" ?????? I mean, I know Vino is a freaking genius dog, but is that really possible??? She still isn't over this outside fear.
Anyway, enough talk. All people really care about are pictures anyway ;)
If you like to see all of them, {click here}
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