I don't have much to say on this topic because the video really says it all.
But something that really stings my heart and gets my blood boiling is when I hear people say,
"That's so retarded." Or "That's so gay."
When those words (and any other variations such as "fag") are used in this manner, or a similar manner, it is downright rude, disrespectful, and hurtful. Those are DEROGATORY terms.
You sound ignorant, heartless, and hateful.
Watch this and the next time you think about using one of these words, stop. Think about what you're actually saying.
Click HERE for the link or just watch below:
I know some people do not understand this.
If your professor does something you don't like and you say "That's so gay" you've just substituted a word such as "stupid" for gay. You've used it as a synonym.
Gay refers to a homosexual. By choosing the word "gay" for that sentence, you've now said that homosexuals and stupid mean the same thing.
Same situation when you refer to a buddy as a "fag". Sure, in your mind you're not thinking "he's gay." You're thinking "he's stupid." Therefore calling homosexuals, stupid.
It is the exact same thing when you use the word "retarded" to describe something you don't like, think is stupid, etc.
Think about all the people you could offend. What if you used this word in this derogatory context in front of your boss, your husband's CO, etc and they had a child or family member that was gay or mentally retarded. You have now highly offended someone you probably didn't want to. (And made yourself look highly uneducated.)
I will be the first to admit I used the words gay and fag too often in the past.
It was not until my brother enlightened me as to why that's so offensive and hurtful, as well as other words such as retarded (and many others). It was a very tough habit to break but I did it. I owned up to my actions and would apologize anytime those words exited my mouth. It helped when others called me out on it. That's truly the only way to stop. Call yourself and others out on it. Own up to it and apologize for it.
Being around a lot of guys (due to being in the military lifestyle now), I come across way too many guys who use the word "fag" in a casual manner. It really bothers me but I sit there silently. After watching this, I will take her advice. I am going to grow the balls to say something and do as the video says. I am going to try to "say something. Because in the end, it takes a village."
There are no more excuses. Now you know. Think before you speak. Take responsibility for your words and apologize when you slip. Correct others. Remember, it takes a village.
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