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Monday, March 30, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 30 Weeks

How far along?  30 Weeks

Baby size?  Cantaloupe!  Which they say means he's about 17 inches long and weighing about 3.5 pounds now.

Baby progress?  That hair that covered Little Man's body?  The lanugo?  It's beginning to fall off this week as he can now regulate his own temperature and as he puts on more fat to help keep him warm and.  He should begin putting on half a pound a week now!! YIKES!  He will continue to rotate towards the birth position (head down, facing my spine) but won't stay there as he still has plenty of room to move around (especially with his "large swimming" pool, aka my polyhydramnios.)  He is also now strong enough to grasp a finger!!!  It makes me excited to think about being here and holding onto mine or Nick's finger :)  That little brain of his is now starting to look like a real brain with all the wrinkles and grooves it's getting.  He is also now forming red blood cells in his marrow (I think this cool, but I'm a nerd when it comes to the human body).  Fluid is also now present in the air sacs in his lungs to help him take his first breath at birth.  

Weight gain?  I'm up 26 pounds.  But thankfully we found out this sudden increase is not just me being a fatty, but instead, a new issue I have :(

 Same story.  No sleep.  Maybe a total of 2-4 hours a night.  But still not really tired throughout the day so that's good!

Symptoms?  Nothing new.  Back and hip pain, extreme (vomiting inducing) acid reflux, and lots of Braxton Hicks.  I guess my feet are now noticeably achy too.  I haven't really had that.  I'm sure it's all the extra weight I'm carrying and the fact that professional shoes are not made with support or comfort.  My poor feet are miserable all week at work :(

Emotionally, I've been struggling with how big I am.  I feel like I've grown very suddenly and people have been making comments to me that I look like I'm close to the end (35+ weeks along).  It's upsetting and has really been getting to me.  But this week, we learned that my belly is a little bigger than normal and there is a reason.  Below is comparison picture.  I'm in the same dress (and obviously a better camera, lighting, and makeup in the first one), but the first photo was taken four weeks ago.  Four week difference.  That's insane!

Cravings?  Nothing really.  Random times I crave something, but as soon as I eat it, I don't want it again.  But that was me pre-pregnancy so I don't really think that counts as a pregnancy craving, more so just a Melanie craving.  What can I say, I love food!

Movement?  Lots and lots!  Nick can very easily feel it now.  And my co-workers notice the bump moving during meetings.  It's so weird and creepy, but so amazing at the same time.  I already find myself getting emotional knowing these days of feeling him move inside are coming closer to an end.  There truly is no way to describe this feeling, but it's by far one of the best out there.  

Workouts & Activity?  I feel like I have more energy and I've been using it!  We took the dogs for an almost two hour hike with our friends and doggie friends.  We've been going on walks with the dogs more frequently.  Sure, it's not vigorous exercise, but it sure is a lot more activity than my body has seen in a LONG time!  

How are you feeling?   Pretty good, physically.  We just found out I have polyhydramnios so I'm pretty anxious about that but we don't find out more until next week when we see the high-risk doctors.  (click here to read about this experience).

Best moment this week?   Getting to see him again.  Even if he did hide his face.  During my ultrasound, the sonographer was kind enough to attempt a 3D ultrasound so we could see him (they normally charge extra for this).  But of course, he was hiding.  This is all we saw of him...his back side, side of his face, and ear.  He was shunning us.

Worst moment this week?  Find out about the polyhydramnios.  This puts me at risk to deliver early (as in any moment) so I'm a little upset.  I'll feel better once we know WHY it's happened and if we can fix it.  Thankfully, as far as we can tell, Baby Obie is doing great!

What do you miss?   Beer.  So so so badly.  So much so that I caved and bought O'Douls for a barbecue we went to.  And you know what?  It wasn't that bad!!!!  It tasted much more similar to beer (Budlight) than I thought it would.  It definitely helped my craving quite a bit!!

Things that suck?  

Baby's orientation.  He's head down, which is great.  Except, he now has a lot of space due to the excess fluid and has plenty of time and space to move so that doesn't mean he'll stay head down.  But what sucks is because of this, he has his feet crammed up behind my ribs, right underneath my right boob.  It HURTS!!!  The only way to get a little relief is to arch my back and shoulder backwards, but this then means I'm sticking my chest and belly out.  It's not cute.  So I don't do it when I'm at home or with my door shut in my office.  And I can't sit like that long because it's really not comfortable.  
It also sucks that I'm running out of clothes.  When I outgrew my size small shirts, I began wearing Nick's shirts.  He isn't much larger than me, so he wears size medium.  And now those t-shirts are a little snug on my belly!

Going along with the running out clothes that fit, pre-pregnancy my camis were size small and extra-small.  Now, those tank tops are smashing my poor girls and squeezing the crap out of them.  It's not cute and it's uncomfortable.  I have bought a few medium and large camis and just rotate through them (I have no shame in admitting I wear them more than once before washing them).  I'm just too frugal to go drop a lot on them when my boobs might grow some more.  Same with bras.  My now DD boobs are still squeezing into my C cup bra.  It doesn't hurt but I am not going to keep buying new bras when they're going to keep growing.  Bras are expensive!  Many have suggested sports bras and nursing bras, but I have yet to find quality nursing bras that I'm willing to spend the money on now, knowing I won't fit into them soon.  I still work fulltime and have to dress professionally.  With boobs this large, you can tell when I'm wearing a cheap bra.  Sports bras are out for work.  That wouldn't fly.  So for now, I'll keep wearing my supportive, looks good in professional attire C cup bras and buy new ones when my milk comes in.  Or at least when he arrives.  But like I said, I can't see dropping more money on bras to outgrow them in 4-6 weeks.
(Don't worry, I changed out of that cami on the left.  I wasn't going to leave the house with very visible quad-boob going on.)

Things that don't suck?  Making strides in the nursery.  It's cleaned out, other than the guest bed, which means it's ready for paint and decorating.  We actually went to Babies R Us this week and purchased all the furniture!!!  It should hopefully arrive next week!!!  I can't wait to start getting it put together, especially now knowing he might make his debut sooner.  

Looking forward to?   Getting some answers about this polyhydramnios.  I just want my baby to be okay and pray that he is good and stays put!!!  I just want to get to my appointment with the high-risk doctors so I can get some answers and, hopefully, some peace of mind.  


  1. Love that chevron dress and girl you look amazing!

  2. Love that chevron dress and girl you look amazing!
