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Monday, May 4, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 35 Weeks

How far along?  33 Weeks

Baby size?  Bunch of carrots.  But since we were at the doctor this week, we know Baby Obie weighs 4 pounds and 12 ounces :)

Baby progress?  

Weight gain?  32 pounds.  I was the doctor and got my official weight.  

Belly Button?  We're still holding strong with not popping out!

Wedding Rings?  Hit or miss.  Just depends on the day.  

Sleep?  Sleep is getting a little easier.  I think it's because my stress is reduced now that I have three of my four events out of the way.  And I'm also in the third trimester, which they say is almost as tiring as the first.  I haven't seen that to be true yet.  The exhaustion was unlike anything I've ever experienced.  Okay, that's a lie.  Chemo was worse, BUT it was a very close second.  And I haven't felt that way since then.  But I am more tired than normal.  


Dropped.  I don't think this is a symptom but I sent my mom, sister, and brother a picture this week (the three of us have a group text that we are constantly talking in) and they said it looks like I've dropped.  I can't tell, but I look at myself everyday.  This has me excited but also super nervous.  I'm told you could drop and the baby still not come for weeks, but it's my first real sign of "you're almost there!" going on.
Tailbone.  Holy mother of God is it painful!!!  I can get no relief.   Standing, sitting, laying.  It all hurts.  Any teeny tiny movement is so incredibly painful.  Little Man is head down which is only increasing the pressure and my previous tailbone injury just doesn't help anything.  Thankfully we don't have much longer!!
Braxton Hicks.  ALL.THE.TIME.  It happens all the time.  I'm happy they're "good" for me but man, do I wish I could get a break from them because they sure hurt and make all movements painful and difficult.  
Swelling.  I mean, look at this.  I didn't even have any salt in two days and had been drinking TONS of water.  Tell, how do I swell only a little during my normal days, yet when I'm on bedrest, I swell THIS badly?!  I was up and on my feet for ONE quick trip out of the house, and I was sitting the entire time!  (Steak n Shake craving).

Other than that, the same ol' symptoms.  Acid reflux, back pain, general uncomfortableness.  

Cravings?  Nothing still.  

Movement?  Still moving, but not as much.  He's got less room for it now.  But his movements are long, slow, strong movements.  Instead of a quick jab, you see something roll across the entire length of my belly.  It's weird but so amazing at the same time.  I truly love all his movements and I get so sad knowing I don't get to experience for too much longer.  

Workouts & Activity?  None.  Bedrest kind of prevents that.  

How are you feeling?  Anxious and moody from having to be confined in my house and not really moving around.  I'm so bored and just want to be able to get up and do what I want.  I know rest is best but goodness, it sucks!

Best moment this week?   I started the week off at the pool with friends and it was relaxing.  It bedrest has to exist, being poolside is the way to do it.  

Worst moment this week?  Being poolside with friends.  I was really self-conscious.  I sat there in my tank top for a while but I began to sweat through it so I finally took it off.  I know they don't judge me AT ALL.  And I know I could look far, far worse, but I still felt so self-conscious.  Not only do I have this ginormous belly (and boobs that have begun to grow again and barely fit in the new DD tops I bought back in January), but it's white as shit!  (Obviously the expression is what I meant, since shit isn't white.  Unless we're talking about dog shit laying in the yard, then yes, that turns white so then it would be a valid statement.)  I don't have a maternity swimming suit since I'm due at the end of May and couldn't justify those ungodly expensive (and ugly) suits to only wear a few times.   (Yes, I show bare belly photos on this blog, BUT I'm able to pick a photo that doesn't make me look as badly as others.  I can control the angle).

What do you miss?   Feeling confident in my body.  I didn't realize how confident I was.  I wasn't overly confident, but I didn't despise my body.  I very issues going to a pool in a bathing suit.  But now?  Oh wow!  Self-conscious to the max.  I hated feeling that way about myself, but I decided to just bite the bullet and take my shirt off.  It was difficult, but after a while, I felt a little more comfortable.  Only a little.  I want to get back to a place where I am comfortable.  Maybe not confident, but at least comfortable.  That's my aim right now.

Random photos of the dogs in the spaces that they've claimed.  Any time we're in the baby's room, this is were both of them lay.  Vino, tucked behind the glider or between the glider and crib.  Yadi stakes her spot in front of the crib.

Things that suck?  Do you want me to be honest?  Sex.  It's awkward for Nick to feel the baby kick through my abdomen.  And it sucks for me because afterwards, my belly is very tightly contracted for at least an hour.  My friends and the doctor said this is perfectly normal (your uterus is contracted like this after sex even when you aren't pregnant, but you just don't notice since your uterus isn't ginormous.)  So it sucks to have it end with uncomfortableness.  
Another thing that sucks is building a custom closet.  While it's awesome to have a custom closet, it sucks when we're two indecisive people trying to decide shelf height, spacing of the shelves, how many, etc.  I'm also a VERY visual person so I had a very difficult time deciding.

Things that don't suck?  Not having to find clothes to fit this bump to go to work.  And not having to wear uncomfortable shoes.  Bedrest sucks, for the most part, but there are perks and being a bum, working in a sports bra and underwear is definitely a perk!
AND I was able to fit into these shorts!  They're pre-pregnancy shorts.  Granted, they aren't buttoned, but they are zipped and held together with a ponytail holder.  I guess that means my hip really didn't widen too much.

Looking forward to?   Shopping post-baby.  There are so many adorable spring and summer clothes out, but I can't buy any.  I have no idea what my body will be like.  I'd love to think I'll get down to my pre-pregnancy size.  Far too many people say to me "You were tiny before and were all baby.  You'll be fine and back to your normal size in no time."  Which is GREAT to hear when I feel like a whale, BUT I'm not going to be naive enough to think I'll be that lucky.  I'm sure there were women who were told this and it didn't happen for them.  I'd rather sit here and tell myself I might not be back to that size, or I might have to work really hard, than tell myself I'll bounce back to old me quickly and be so incredibly disappointed.  But man oh man, I cannot wait to go shopping!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl. You. Look. Great. I know it is hard to hear that and truly believe it right now.. but your body is doing something so amazing, and you should feel confident in that if nothing else! I can't believe he is so close to being here!
