Last year we visited Connor's A-Maize-Ing Acres and all I could think about was the tiny baby growing in my belly and how fun it would be to come back in a year with our little one.
Unfortunately, the trip didn't go as well as we had hoped. Jaxon slept the entire way there, which was about a 40 minute drive. We put his car seat carrier in the stroller, then headed into the farm. After about 20 minutes, he was still asleep and Nick was growing impatient. He wanted Jaxon to wake up so he could "have some fun". I advised against it, knowing it'd make for a crabby baby, but Nick tried to reassure me, "Oh, he'll be fine!"
Wrong. So wrong.
He woke him and he was okay. Not his normal happy self, but not upset. So we snapped a few photos and gave him a couple of minutes to wake up.
Nick was pretty eager to get him in the corn pit but Jaxon was not a fan of it!
After all of one minute in the corn pit and Jaxon screaming crying, we took him out and wandered around a bit. We came across this scarecrow, and oddly, Jaxon was okay with him.
As we made our way around the farm, we came across a little tractor. What boy doesn't love tractors?! Clearly my son.
Note to self: Don't buy Jaxon a tractor to ride. I guess he's more of a city boy like his parents; prefers his daddy's M3 to John Deere, clearly.
Since Jaxon wasn't enjoying the day, we decided to go get him a baby pumpkin and head out. We headed over to the pumpkins but sadly there were no small ones! I really, really, really wanted to get a picture of Jaxon surrounded by pumpkins. And Jaxon really wanted to ruin that moment ;)
I thought maybe standing him on the pumpkins would be better since Jaxon is currently in this stage of preferring to stand. No dice.
Since he was content in our arms (content, not happy), we opted for photos with him on our laps. Thankfully I got one with him smiling (even if Nick's eyes are closed).
We snapped a few family photos, complete with Jaxon's stank face in them and then called it a day.
We plan to visit a local church's pumpkin patch to attempt pumpkin photos and pick out a baby pumpkin for him.
I'm disappointed that this trip didn't go better, but such is the life with a baby. I was a little shocked though because Jaxon is a SUPER happy baby all day long (until about 7pm then the fussies set in) and he's even more happy when outside. But I guess we're all entitled to our bad days, huh? At least it's a funny memory we have ;)
LMAO... he's cute even when he's crying - it kills me!