I'm sure a lot of you know who Kyle is. But I'm sure a lot of you don't. And I'm sure most of you don't know much about what's going on with him right now.
Kyle is my little sister, Leah's boyfriend. And by boyfriend, I mean he's pretty much my brother-in-law. He was pretty much living at our house before (and after) we got married. He attended all family functions with us...birthdays, holidays, the lake, etc. The family loves him and he gets along really well with the other boys (Ben, Randy, and Nick.)
Kyle's dream is to fly apache helicopters for the Army. He's been working hard to get into that program for a long time. At the beginning of this year, it finally happened. In February, Kyle left for Basic Training in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. He was there for 10 weeks and last Thursday, he graduated from basic. We were all really proud of him. Nick and I wanted to attend but weren't able to since it was a weekday graduation. Thankfully my sister and my mother were able to attend.
I was also SO proud of my sister. This was her first experience away from Kyle. As I said, he pretty much lived with her the past year or so. Then he leaves for 10 weeks, and their only contact was letters and a few short phone calls. But she was so strong! I talked to her multiple times a week and not once did she ever seem down!! If I didn't know Kyle was gone, I would have never guessed it. Leah was acting the exact same as if they were still going about their normal life. Talk about a bamf! I was so proud of her! I told her she could call me if she needed since I knew what this was lifke but nope. No tears, no moping, nothing! (At least never to anyone!) It makes me less worried about her. I know she'll be able to handle this lifestyle. Sure, it will be MUCH harder than a 10 week basic training, but she got through it with ZERO issues, and it was her FIRST time away from him, FIRST military distance, etc.
And I'd like to take credit for it. You see, I was an AWFUL big sister!!!! And Ben was a horrible big brother. We ganged up on her. Constantly picked on her. We were ruthless. We hated each other until I went away to college. So she had 15 years of me being a bitch to her. (I'm sorry Little Leah!). But maybe it was for the best ;) Because now, she's one tough cookie. So you see Leah, I knew all along what I was doing. I knew I was just toughening you up. (That's why I got cancer too. To toughen you up).
ANYWAY......immediately after Basic Graduation, Kyle had to report to Ft. Rucker, Alabama for WOC School. (Warrant Officer Candidate School). It's a 6 week program to become a Warrant Officer in the Army. Following WOC School graduation, he will stay in Ft. Rucker for another 18 months for their flight school program, and hopefully he'll get selected to fly the apache, as is his dream, at the end of the program (it's a very similar school/process as what Nick is in now, Primary.)
Kyle's brother, a Captain in the Air Force, was at his Basic Graduation and drove him from Ft. Jackson to Ft. Rucker. They arrived Friday morning, and then his brother took off. Later than afternoon, my sister calls to inform me that Kyle was granted an entire weekend. We already had plans that evening, and were actually in the midst of them. But as soon as the bowling alley closed at 10pm (base bowling alley...lame hours) we hopped in the car, and around 11pm headed to Ft. Rucker.
It's about a 2 hour drive through the nothingness backroads of Florida and Alabama. Seriously something straight out of scary movie. (Reminds me of Brewton, Alabama for those that have had the misfortune of driving through there.) For those back home, it'd be like driving Highway A and Old 21 from Festus into Desoto late at night. Nothing. No gas stations. No lights. Just a lot of critters ready to jump out of the trees and total your car. And I'm sure a few scary men with chainsaws.
We arrived at Ft. Rucker around 1am, picked Kyle up, and headed back home. We got home around 3:15am so we all just went to bed.
The next day we went to see "The Avengers" with our friends, Matt & Jenny (whom you should all know by now). Afterwards we headed home to just chill. The boys played video games. That's really all Nick and Kyle do ;) When we go home on leave, they play together. Before Kyle left for basic, these two would play each other (via internet on Xbox) for HOURS....and annoy the crap out of Leah and I. Normally I loathe the games but I know how much Kyle missed them. And I know how much Nick missed playing them. Realistically, Nick hasn't played too much of that game, (Call of Duty) since Kyle left. (One person's sacrifice is another woman's reward). So I didn't mind hearing "Enemy UAV spotted" or hearing Nick's constant cursing Tourettes outbreaks.
That evening we went to a Cinco de Mayo party at Aaron and Lauren's house and had a good time. At least, I hope Kyle did! I always worry about bringing someone around a bunch of people they don't know. I feared he'd feel left out, not knowing them, not knowing what we were talking about it. And Kyle is like Nick....pretty quiet unless he knows people. But it seemed to go well. We just sat around with a few others and the boys pretty much just talked about flying, aircrafts, ranks, etc within all the various branches of the military. (With Jenny and I throwing in our usual perverted or inappropriate comments...which Nick, Matt, and Kyle are used to anyway.) Kyle was able to join right in seeing as he now is in the military, will be starting a flight program, has a brother in the Air Force, and his father was a in the Navy for quite some time.
We didn't stay too late (1. because I wasn't feeling too well and 2. to spend some quality time with Kyle.)
We got home and the boys, of course, started playing video games...and continued until about 3am.
(I immediately got in bed and watched Gilmore Girls....well watched for 15 minutes until I fell asleep.)
Sunday was our chill day. I had originally thought we'd go to the beach. In my mind, I was in "entertain my guest" mode. But then I stopped to think about Plebe Summer. After 6 weeks of intense physical training, all Nick wanted to do was lay around. He was so tired. So I figured Kyle would be the same way. For 10 weeks he has been going, going, going. No rest. No sleeping in. And for the next 6 weeks, it would be the same. Kyle is very much like Nick and loooooves his sleep.
So we nixed the beach. I mean, Kyle is LIVING here for the next year and a half. My sister is moving down here with him in July. We will have PLENTY of opportunities to go to the beach.
So Sunday, the boys slept in. I woke up with the pups around 9am. We spent a good portion of the morning outside playing (to avoid waking Nick and Kyle because our walls are pretty much made of tissue paper and you hear every little noise [please make note of this Leah ;) ]). Kyle woke up and joined me in the backyard and played with the pups. Then I woke Nick's lazy butt up. There was more video game playing and lunch made by Nick. Then we watched the Cardinals game, another thing Kyle has missed. After the game, I made dinner while Kyle, Nick, and my sister played bowling via the Xbox. Finally, we all webcammed, via Xbox, including my mother.
And then it was time to leave. We made the 2 hour drive back to Ft. Rucker to drop Kyle off.
I really hope he enjoyed his time. Nick very much so wanted to do this for Kyle. He said he knew what it would have meant to him after his basic from when he enlisted in the Navy and wanted to do this for Kyle. Nick said it was similar to having his sponsor family in Annapolis to pick him up and give him a weekend away from that life. Nick could never express what his sponsors meant to him, and he wanted to do this for Kyle. (A pay it forward kind of deal??) We knew Kyle would be the same way...wanting to get away. Anywhere but the base. So we were happy to do this for him. It was far from a burden to drive to get him. We loved having him here. It was so great to see him and spend time with him; to hear all about basic and how military life for him is, thus far.
It also made me so excited for the end of June when my mother and sister are coming down for his WOC School graduation. And ridiculously excited for when my sister moves here and we can spend weekends together often! It will be soooooo nice having family close by =)
So that was my fun weekend. It was so great to see a familiar face here. To see "family" down here.
And because it must be said...
GO NAVY! Beat Army! ;)
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