But I am the "mommy" to two wonderful puppies.
Most mornings I wake up with the dogs. Usually because Nick is already gone at work but even when he's not, I'm the one up early with them. Not because Nick is selfish, but because he's a heavy sleeper. The dogs will wrestle and play in the bedroom once they wake up. It wakes me up. Not Nick. So I get up. (Yadi also chooses to throw her paws in MY face, not Nick's.) Nick always says "Wake me up. I'll get up with them". HA! Nick is impossible to get out of bed if there's not the threat of the Navy pink slipping him.
I will wake him and say "You said to wake you today to get up with the dogs."
"Okay......" and continues to lay there as they become more obnoxious.
"Nick are you going to get up?"
......10 minutes later and more obnoxious wrestling from the pups
"Are you going to get up?"
....10 minutes later.....
I get up. By this point, I'm already wide awake so why continue to lay there and nag him. And when he does get up later, he doesn't ever remember this conversation.
So anyway, that long story was too show I usually get up with them and having Nick get up with them is a chore.
But Sunday was different. Sunday I woke up at 11am and I was alone in the bedroom. No wrestling dogs. No husband.
I walk out into the living room to see them all hanging out. Nick had set his alarm for 8:00am (the dogs usually get up at 8:30am...right on the dot for breakfast) so that he could get up with them, not wake me, and let me sleep in for Mother's Day.
It was just after talking to him that I turned to walk into the kitchen that I see this GIANT envelope:
I open it up and my wonderful pups got me a card ;)
And they even signed it themselves!!! (Nick says they had no idea what was going on. They didn't understand why he got their paws wet, made them run around in the sand, and then forced them to stand on this paper lol....as you can see from their "signatures" (aka paw prints) they did not cooperate very well.)
After a few failed attempts at getting a picture with them, individually, Nick took my phone and took a picture of the three of us and my giant card (please excuse this "I've been awake for 5 minutes" look, complete with obnoxious air-dried over night hair)
We just lounged around all early afternoon, enjoying a lazy Sunday. I talked to my Grandmother for about an hour and then webcammed with my own Mother and my siblings for about an hour or so.
Later that afternoon we headed to a barbecue with Nick's classmates.
The rest of the evening was spent enjoying some couch cuddle time with my husband until he needed to begin studying. Then I curled up in bed with some junk food and watched Gilmore Girls until I fell asleep.
Doesn't get much better than that!!
It was a perfect First {Fur} Mommy's Day!!! Big thanks to my husband for being so cute and getting the dogs to get me a card and "celebrate" and for letting me sleep in. I can't remember the last time I slept all morning without being woken up!
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