For those that do not know, Vino is NOT a vocal dog. She's very rarely heard (she's actually quite the little ninja!).
She very rarely ever barks, never whines, etc. The only time you hear noises from her are when Yadi sits on her when she's sleeping (she gets testy when she's sleepy) or when the girls play (Vino makes some weird noises.)
Anyway, we've tried ALL the techniques to get our dogs to howl...or anything remotely close to a howl. NOTHING works (not sirens, not other dogs howling, not us howling...not any YouTube video we watched or other recommendations have worked. Our dogs just refuse to howl).
The other day, I was sitting in the living room on the floor playing with the dogs. And by "the dogs" I mean Yadi. Vino isn't really into playing with us. She is a playful pup, but only with other dogs or toys by herself. She romps all over the house flinging her toys in the air and catching them. She loves to wrestle and play with Yadi and other dogs. But with us...not so much. We aren't sure why. Sometimes she'll bring a toy over, and we grab it to play tug-of-war and she just lets go. It kind of sucks. The moment you get on the ground to play, she just comes to sit in your lap.
But this day, I found a game she loves! I'll get into that in another post because it's too cute and funny. Anyway, playing with Vino is hard because Yadi is an attention whore. The moment you start to have fun with Vino, Yadi comes in to attack (in a playful way) Vino, distracts her, and then gets Vino playing with her. We wanted a video of Vino's new game, so I put Yadi in our bedroom and shut the door.
Yadi, being the sass pot she is, didn't like this (one, because her sister was getting attention and not her, and two, because I was out of her sight {she's OBSESSED with me}.) So Yadi starts her typical obnoxious barking and whining. I ignored it and sat on the ground to play my game with Vino. But she was soooo concerned with Yadi. She sat in my lap and began howling!!!!
We were SHOCKED!!! Not only do our dogs not howl, but Vino doesn't ever make a sound!!!! Of course, Nick was on top of things and videoed it. How cute is it that she was so concerned about Yadi and responded to her cries?! These girls just love each other SOOOO much!
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