Sometimes Vino likes to step up her game in the "Weird" category. Normally Yadi takes the cake but sometimes, Vino pulls ahead.
Such as when they play and wrestle. Occasionally, but not all the time, Vino makes the WEIRDEST noises while she plays with Yadi.
For your pleasure, I've recorded it. Around the time 0:30 is when she starts, but at 0:45 is when she really get into it. Nick says she sounds like a dying baby dinosaur. While morbid, I can understand why he says it.
(Also if you continue watching, around the time 1:44 they return to the bed and you can hear Yadi's snort/snarl that she makes while she plays.)
This playful wrestling/fighting behavior is an every day, multiple times a day occurrence in our house (minus the weird noises). But usually, the fighting out of the bed is a bit more intense....such as the video below: (sorry for the quality of the first one. It was about midnight so I didn't have many lights on)
Thank goodness for indestructive laminate hardwood floors!!! Hours of this every day for over a year and not a single scratch or bit of damage done to them!
This is also the reason why two dogs are better than one!!! They are never bored because they always have a play buddy. Whether they're wrestling in the house or playing tag in the yard, they have someone to entertain them and wear each other out!
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