Superbowl Sunday isn't really an exciting day for me. I'm just not an NFL fan. I love me some college football, but I'm not huge into professional. Maybe it's because my hometown team is the Rams? Who wants to watch them?! I'm not really sure what it is. I by no means hate NFL, it's just not something I would ever randomly turn on and watch. But if it's on (as it usually was at family functions or at bars) I will watch but I just don't follow it.
I do look forward to Superbowl Sunday simply for the good food, time with friends, and my absolute favorite televised part: The Puppy Bowl!!!!! While it's a known fact I'm obsessed with my dogs, I am actually truthfully obsessed with all dogs, especially puppies. There is nothing cuter than a bunch of adorable, clumsy puppies running around playing with each other and toys. I honestly find puppies and dogs cuter than babies and children! (And I love children!) That entire two hours of the Puppy Bowl (minus the cats...not really a cat fan) I am giggling and say "Awwwww". Judge me if you will, but the Puppy Bowl is far better than the real football game!
Game time was spent in the dining room, eating, drinking, with not even a view of the game. (Glad I wasn't the only one there who didn't care about the game.) The boys were in the living room, glued to the television but us ladies didn't care one bit. Honestly, we didn't even get up for the commercials.
Of course we moved to the living room for the halftime show (and then only because we were comfy and lazy did we stay there for the second half.) I am a Beyonce fan and I think she put on a great performance and I absolutely LOVED Destiny's Child reuniting and performing. Definitely enjoyed that more than Beyonce's solo performance. While everyone ("everyone" being everyone on social media) was hoping for a Jay-Z cameo, I was wishing so hard that Justin Timberlake would make a cameo in his black leotard and heels during "Single Ladies". Sadly, I didn't wish hard enough. But I think that would have made it the best SuperBowl halftime show in history....even better than the titty flash!
I did manage to see a few commercials. I will say, I was not impressed with the E-Trade commercial. Those are usually my favorite commercials (not just Superbowl but all year). They never fail to make me laugh. This years, while not bad, definitely was not anywhere in their top 5 of best commercials, in my opinion.
I was also not really impressed with the M&M's commercial. Maybe it's because I loved last years so much, but this years just didn't do it for me. It was clever, but didn't have me laughing.
I liked the Jeep-USO commercial but then again, I obviously have a soft spot for military related things.
My favorite and the absolute best commercial? Budweiser Clydesdales. Hands down!! A few of my St. Louis peeps posted that video on Facebook a few days prior so I had already seen it. The first time I saw it, it made me cry. No shame. It makes me homesick for St. Louis. I miss going to Grant's Farm and seeing those beautiful Budweiser horses and petting them. They are just so majestic to me! I wish I could own one =/ And I now realize how spoiled I was to get to see those horses anytime I wanted. Just by going to visit Grant's Farm (which is FREE!) or any of the St. Louis parades or even the many appearances at the Cardinal games.
After the game, I made the mistake of getting on social media. I was really shocked at the "sore winners". I will admit I had a lot more Ravens fans on my News Feed than Niners, but what I saw was so immature. I'd say 80% of my Niners fans had simple statuses like "well that sucked" or "there's always next year". And a lot were very respectful with "Great game Ravens! Congrats. Better luck next year boys." Then so many Ravens posts...... so ugly? You only make yourself (and the team since as a fan you represent them) so ugly! Some justify their comments with saying people were rude and mean about the Ravens leading up to the game. And that makes it okay for you to be as equally as childish and mean??? I see your parents taught you well.
What disgusts me the most is that some of those ridiculously juvenile and mean comments came from older adults. I'm talking people my parents age. How mature of you all *eye roll* Grow up!
Another pet peeve: I saw girls saying "I'm a Niners fans but my{significant other} is a Ravens fan. I don't know who to cheer for!!!" Umm....really? How about you get your head out of your significant other's ass and have a freaking mind of your own? I'm sorry, but that just disgusts me. Who told these girls they can no longer think for themselves but instead must adopt the brain of their men?? And do men actually find that attractive??? What sad lives they lead! Ladies, I can assure you your significant other isn't going to leave you because you cheer for the opposite team. And if he does, then you had a real winner to begin with huh?
All in all, I had a great Superbowl Sunday spent with friends, way too much great food, adorable puppies, and delicious wine. I'm happy for a lot of my friends since sooooo many are Ravens fans. It's definitely an amazing feeling to win those titles and get to buy the Championship gear.
But let's be honest. The best part of the day (for me) is that the end of football just signifies the beginning of baseball!!!!! When the clock ran out last night, I said "Let's Play Ball! It's baseball time!!!!" and got super excited that Cardinals baseball begins oh so soon. Pitchers and catchers report in just 8 days!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! My life will be whole again. Now I just need to get me a Molina and Freese jersey. And maybe some new Shox because my old "Cardinals" Shox are getting rather dirty.
"How about you get your head out of your significant other's ass?"
ReplyDeleteHahaha cracked me up at work.