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Monday, February 16, 2015

Pregnancy Update: Week 23

This is WAY late since I just entered my 25th week.  I apologize.  But I took these, worked a crazy week, went home, worked another crazy week.  So tomorrow you'll probably get my 24 week update and then again sometime this week my 25th week update.  I promise not to make this mistake and bombard you with these updates more than once a week.  

I also wanted to apologize for the wonky 2 and 3 in "23' as well as the crooked frame.  I didn't realize I didn't have it up straight until I uploaded these to my laptop.  Sorry!!!

How far along?  23 weeks

Baby size?  Grapefruit, measuring 10.5-11.8 inches long and weighs between 12.7 and 20.8 ounces.  

Baby progress?  His little face is now fully formed (I can't wait to see what he looks like!)  and he has nipples (which I found to be an odd development growth they noted, but I guess they have to develop at some point haha).  His hearing is great now and he's listening to everything!  Some of his kicks might even be in response to things he hears (time to start ending the foul language, but I'm not sure if Nick is capable of it).  Baby Obie is busy putting on some fat (which probably isn't hard with the things I eat!).  His skin is still transparent and maybe a little red due to the developing veins and arteries under his skin but soon that fat will cover it all and his skin will become perfect looking!  

Weight gain?  I don't know now.  Apparently our scale is off.  I was shocked because I thought I gained 12 pounds, which was double last week, but the next day, it was like 5 less.  I doubt I'm carrying that much extra water.  I mean, I could be, but I feel like I'd notice swelling somewhere and thus far, I haven't swelled at all.  

Stretch marks?  None, thank goodness.

Belly Button, in or out?  It's very much still in.  I had a very deep belly button to begin with, so I feel when and if it pops out or becomes flush with my belly, it will be quite a while from now.  It might be getting shallower, but I think only I would notice that.  

Sleep?  I'm becoming restless again, but not badly.  I'm still getting a decent amount of sleep these days.  

-  No nausea.  I'm almost out of the second trimester which means I've made it the first two without it!
- My back pain is increasing and there's not a lot I can do about it.  I can't lift anymore due to my crazy heart and that would alleviate my upper back pain.  My tailbone is also hurting a lot.  I spent the entire weekend this week in bed, crying, because I get no relief.  Laying flat on my back eases my back pain, but hurts my tailbone.  Laying on my side helps my tailbone but aggravates my back.  It's a lose-lose.  I shall be visiting chiropractor soon though!  I seriously sent my husband to game night with our friends while I stayed home alone, crying in bed because standing or sitting for more than 15 minutes had me in tears.  I felt like such a loser.
-  Acid reflux has reached an all-time high.  It was pretty miserable before I was pregnant and now it's beyond unbearable.  I cry often and throw up at least once a day from it.  My doctor said unfortunately there's nothing I can take.  I'm on the highest dose of medication a human should take and it's more than she's ever allowed a pregnant woman to take.  (But given the severity of it and the risks of esophageal cancer, she doesn't want to lessen my dose.  This is decision she came to with talking to many other specialists).  So I'm just learning to deal with it.  

-  Emotional.  They said the hormones get better in the second trimester.  Ummmm, not for this girl!  I'm a mess!

Maternity clothes?  Still just my maternity jeans and dress pants, but I'm wearing my normal tops.  Although, my selection is getting limited because this belly is growing but I'm making due.  I really don't want to buy many new tops because I WILL get back down to my pre-pregnancy size and then those clothes won't be used again until the next baby bump occurs.  

Cravings?  Pancakes, waffles, and french toast still.  So maybe I crave syrup??  But that craving is dissipating 

Movement?  He's an incredibly active little boy!  Which the doctor says means he's healthy.  But on the days when he decides to sleep a lot, it makes me nervous that something is wrong.  "Your momma paranoia is setting in already."  Puhlease.  I've been a paranoid person all my life so of course it's rolling over into pregnancy and being a mama.  

Workouts & Activity?  Not any real workouts, but I'm slowly learning to function through my crazy racing heart.  I can now tell when I'm about to get tunnel vision and approach the "I'm going to pass out" phase, so I know when to stop, sit/squat and rest.  It's working pretty well to make my work week more manageable.  

How are you feeling?  You'd think I would tell you I'm not feeling all that great due to my reflux and back/tailbone pain, but honestly, I feel great.  I think because I've dealt with something much worse, I'm able to say I'm feeling great.  I don't hate being pregnant.  (Check back with me when I'm double or triple this size and I might feel differently.)
Best moment this week?  Being on the cruise with my husband.  I was afraid I'd talk too much about work or we'd talk too much baby but it was perfect!!!  We really just relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.  I didn't talk about work once, and we only talked about the baby half the time.  It was great!  

Worst moment this week?  I can't really think of any??  I guess that laying in bed all weekend and skipping game night.

What do you miss?  Sitting comfortably.  Having a fulltime (+ lots of overtime, well without the overtime pay) job, it's frustrating because I'm either sitting at my desk, sitting in my car, sitting in a meeting somewhere, or standing giving a presentation.  My tailbone and back are always hurting.  I just wish I were able to lay down every so often and relieve some of the pain and discomfort.

Things that suck?    The stress of working becoming worse and the pressure increasing since I'm due during busy season and right in the midst of my events.  It's not really fair, but I guess that's just the way it is.  

Things that don't suck?  Seeing my belly move.  I can now see the little jumps and kicks from the outside and it's so cool and always makes me smile.  

Looking forward to?  Seeing him again.  We haven't had an ultrasound since week 12 and I'm dying to see him again!!!!!!!  As of now, we won't get another one until around week 35, but we're probably going to do one of those 3D/4D ultrasounds.  I have loved seeing my friends images from those sessions because it truly does look like their baby!  I mean, it's insane to see their baby when it's born and compare the photos!  I want to know what he looks like.  Does he have hair?  Does he have that cute little baby button nose?  Does he have those adorable pouty lips?  This little man is so active and I'm always wanting to see what he's doing because he's so active so here's my chance before things get too cramped in there and he can't really move around as easily.  

Yadi has been really great during my photo shoots.  She lays down at my feet the entire time.  But this time, she kept creeping in to them and wanted to be involved in these baby bump photos.


  1. So cute that Yadi wanted to be in some photos!! Aww! :)

  2. I hope the chiropractor helps your back and tailbone pain. My mom has had back pain for YEARS and has been going to the chiropractor since before I was born. (There is literally a note in her chart that says "Pregnant with triplets.")

  3. Hope the chiropractor gives you some options for relief. Yadi looks adorable!

  4. awwww the doggy in the pic is so sweet.

  5. I'm all about the breakfast food cravings, and I'm bummed that they're pretty much off limits to me. My weird one has been bacon. I made some for Joe and just ate a little bite (because I'm normally not a bacon eater at all, it's not my favorite) and all of the sudden, I couldn't get enough of it!

  6. ahhh you little puppy at the end is SO sweet! sorry to hear you had a miserable weekend-hope you get some relief soon! i also now want an entire bottle of syrup.

  7. Love those last pictures. You look great mama. I hope your back pain eases some.

  8. Love those last pictures. You look great mama. I hope your back pain eases some.
