How far along? 33 Weeks
Baby size? Durian fruit (what the heck is that?! I had never heard of it until now.) At this point, babies are between 17-19 inches in length and weighing between 4-6 pounds!
Baby progress? Baby Obie is almost at his birth height/length!!! That's insane to me! He's still packing on the fat and pounds though, putting on maybe half a pound a week. His bones are hardening so he can better support himself outside of the womb. His skull is still not solid though, and his skull bones are not fused together. This is normal as he is will allow his head to reduce it's diameter as it passes through the birth canal. He now keeps his eyes wide open when he's awake, which seems to be all the time! But this allows him to tell the difference between night and day (as if he cares). Antibodies are being passed from me to the Little Man to help develop his fetal immune system to help fend off germs once he's on the outside. His brain is developing more distinct functions and is capable of controlling breathing, digestive functions, and body temperature.
Weight gain? Again, not sure. I'd say around 30 pounds or so.
Belly Button? It's almost completely flush with my body. I took out my metal ring and put in one of those longer plastic rings, made for us preggo women, but I don't need it. I don't know if it's the way my piercing is, but my two holes aren't that far apart so this belly ring actually looks really freaking weird. I'm not sure if I'll keep it in.
Wedding Rings? Still on!
Sleep? Same as it's been. Not there until about 4am-5am. But I'm still full of energy during the day so I guess that's okay. And it's normal so I'm not too concerned. I just wish I wasn't so anxious during my insomnia.
Nothing new. Still intense back and hip pain. Still vomit-incuding acid reflux. Insomnia. Forgetfulness. Anxiety. Bleeding gums.
My swelling was better this week, so that's good!!! But my feet still kill me in general.
And I think my boobs might be growing again.
Cravings? None.
Movement? Still moving around like a maniac in there. And I'm still loving it. I don't enjoy the kicks to the ribs, but he's doing it less now, which is great.
How are you feeling? Still feeling great!!!!!! I really don't complain too much. Things are painful and uncomfortable, but it's not anywhere near as bad as I expected from all the other moms I know or follow on social media/blogs. Maybe it's because I've had far, far, far, FAR worse pain back in 2006 when I had cancer? Or maybe it's because I embrace this all since I never knew if it would be possible for me? Either way, I can't really complain! I feel good!
Best moment this week? Celebrating Easter and going out to brunch with my husband and the bump :)
Worst moment this week? Not getting to be involved in the nursery painting. I hate not helping out and just feeling useless. But I know it's best that I'm not around the fumes (and I'm not a fan of the masks). I kind of feel how Yadi looks in this photo.
What do you miss? Being able to put on shoes without it hurting. Bending over that far is becoming very painful, especially since I'm contracted so much. I wear flip flops and flats most of the time but when I need to put on tennis shoes for my walks or running errands, it's rather difficult. This belly is just getting rather big!
Workouts & Activity? Not much. My body doesn't like activity. If I'm just walking around for more than 10 minutes, my belly contracts and will not relax until I sit down. It's pretty annoying because with my belly as big as it is, moving around when it's that hard and contracted is difficult and painful.
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(Notice how my hands on the belly in the picture on the left make my belly appear smaller than it truly it is haha) |
How are you feeling? Still feeling great!!!!!! I really don't complain too much. Things are painful and uncomfortable, but it's not anywhere near as bad as I expected from all the other moms I know or follow on social media/blogs. Maybe it's because I've had far, far, far, FAR worse pain back in 2006 when I had cancer? Or maybe it's because I embrace this all since I never knew if it would be possible for me? Either way, I can't really complain! I feel good!
Best moment this week? Celebrating Easter and going out to brunch with my husband and the bump :)
Worst moment this week? Not getting to be involved in the nursery painting. I hate not helping out and just feeling useless. But I know it's best that I'm not around the fumes (and I'm not a fan of the masks). I kind of feel how Yadi looks in this photo.
What do you miss? Being able to put on shoes without it hurting. Bending over that far is becoming very painful, especially since I'm contracted so much. I wear flip flops and flats most of the time but when I need to put on tennis shoes for my walks or running errands, it's rather difficult. This belly is just getting rather big!
Things that suck? Blind shaving. Hey, I'm just being honest. I have to shave my lady bits without being able to see them. I'm pretty proud of myself though because I do a great job and never cut myself. I keep thinking I need to take a mirror in the shower with me, but I never actually remember to do so until I'm already in there.
Things that don't suck? Still fitting into my pre-pregnancy workout pants. I am still able to wear all my spandex type Under Armour shorts and capris that I wore before I got pregnant (obviously below my belly now). When you feel huge, it gives you a boost to still fit in some old clothes.
Looking forward to? Not feeling so front heavy. Between my boobs and this belly, I feel like the slightest shove from behind will send me falling face forward. My poor back is not at all used to this and it's just killing me!
Looking forward to? Not feeling so front heavy. Between my boobs and this belly, I feel like the slightest shove from behind will send me falling face forward. My poor back is not at all used to this and it's just killing me!
When I saw this post on my Bloglovin feed I asked myself the same question about the Duran fruit.
ReplyDeleteYou're sooooo cute!! I'll struggle with not being able to do things when I'm pregnant too. I can't just sit back and relax but that's probably what I will need- and probably what you need too!
ReplyDeleteAww!!--you're such a cute pregnant lady!!! Also I love Yadi's face watching the painting be done--adorbs!
ReplyDeleteDuran fruit? Yeah never heard of that either. You look so good, wish you didn't have the back pain though. I think I would much prefer to get out of the painting. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou look STUNNING! Clearly I've been a crappy blogger since Spencer was born because I obviously missed the fact that you're having a baby! Seriously though, you look beautiful, and get'll be front-heavy again, when you wear that peanut all around ;)