And she wasn't too happy about it. It's definitely worse when I'm on my feet a lot and coming up that weekend, I had two work events that would have me on my feet 8 hours on Friday and again for 8 hours on Saturday. She said there was absolutely no way I could do that.
Thus, bedrest. It's modified bedrest, which means I can get up and move around the house, but trying to keep it an absolute minimum. Pretty much just getting up to shower, use the restroom, and get something to eat. No cleaning, no laundry, no nursery preparation, etc. That is a painful concept for me. I don't do well with doing nothing.
Thankfully it's not for the duration of my pregnancy, but only until I reach 35 weeks. I still don't fully understand the logic behind it.
37 weeks is considered full-term and they say at that point, it's safe for baby to be born.
Yet, my bedrest is only until 35 weeks because at that point, medically, if I go into labor, baby will be okay. why is full-term not 35 weeks??
Either way, I'm just happy that I don't have to be on bedrest for that long, considering I'm already 33 and a half weeks along now. Their concern is with as many contractions as I'm having, and as much as I'm on my feet, I could go into labor. So rest it is. And if I get back to this state at 35 weeks and go into labor, well so be it.
Which is such a scary (and exciting) thought to me!!! There is still quite a bit to be done. Ahhh....please stay put Baby Obie!!! PLEASE!!! I'm telling you all now, once this bedrest is lifted, I'm going to be a mad woman (and probably nagging the shit out of my husband) to get everything done. I am getting so anxious as time is very quickly dwindling until that sweet boy is in my arms.
So here's to hoping I don't go insane being on bedrest (or end up divorced....kidding. Nick wouldn't divorce me. He might just go stay with a friend haha). Thankfully I can still work from home, but that won't help this busy body. I like being up and about. I like social interaction. I love my dogs but they don't respond to me (well they do, but it's my made up voice and responses for them. Yep, crazy dog lady right here.) I'm going to drive my husband nuts when he comes home from work (luckily for him, he doesn't get home until very late each night and will want to go straight to bed.) I'm nervous just thinking about this next week. Especially this weekend, having to relinquish all control over my events and just sit on my couch and wonder how it's going.
If you could all send some good vibes that I don't go insane, that'd be great. And if you could send some good vibes and prayers that Baby Obie stays put until at LEAST 37 weeks, I'd greatly appreciate it!!! Thanks in advance!
Sorry you have bedrest, that must be tough for you. Just think you'll have plenty of time to make lists of things for Nick to get done, and for everything to get the nursery done.