Nick told me to leave Yadi in the car while we went and checked out the house.
We walked up to the door, opened the lock box, and Nick unlocked our first home <3
He then swooped me off my feet, carried me across the threshold and said, "Welcome Home, Wife" and planted a big ol' fat smooch on my lips. <3 [Have I mentioned how much I Love him?!]
We then walked around the house and checked it out and fell in love!!! It's better than the pictures we saw! ...But I'll get into that when I have more time.
After checking out the house we let Yadi run around in it and her new huge backyard. She LOVED it! Although, she'll have to get used to the floors. The living room, hallway, bedrooms, and office are all hardwood floors. She slips and slides all over them...occasionally letting out a yelp when she "hurts" herself.
After letting her explore we were ready for some sleep so we then opened the truck, pulled out a mattress, two pillows, and the blanket from the cab of the truck. We took them into our master bedroom, put them down, and the three of us crashed for about 2-3 hours.
When we woke up, we started unpacking. This cute old man from next door came over to introduce himself (he's about my grandfather's age). Then the guy and his wife (Matt & Mallory) across the street came over. They seem really nice but they're leaving for Japan in a month =( Matt offered to help Nick move some stuff as well (later that evening, Nick took him up on his offer and had him help move the 4 pieces of furniture that were just too heavy for me.)
Yadi did REALLY well with the unpacking. At first we had her leash attached to the truck and she was up in the truck with us, supervising I suppose.
But every time we'd go in the house, she'd try to follow then howl and whine and bark until we came back out.
[Have I mentioned little princess NEEDS to be by us at all times? In the house, she's on your heels....literally. She's always stepping on the back of my flip flops!] It's a little ridiculous BUT it does work in our favor sometimes. Like unpacking. We took her off her lease. She would walk up into the truck with us, walk down with us, into the house, then back out. Her velcro ways are great in a sense because she will never run away. She can't be more then 20 feet from us. So she made unpacking really easy for us.
But eventually she tired out...ya know, must have been tired from WATCHING us carry in all these boxes.
We finished unpacking and then headed out to see what all Milton had to offer (there are plenty of fast food places, a 24 Hour Supercenter Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, Publix (their large grocery store), etc just 10 minutes or less from our house.) While we were out, we grabbed some dinner since we didn't have much food and all our dishes, pots, pans, and utensils were still packed.
When we returned, the old man next door brought over some dinner, banana nut bread, and disposable plates and utensils for us. How sweet!!! (too bad we had JUST eaten =/ ) We spent the evening setting up a few things, mainly our bedroom and living room and then we crashed in our new home <3
First Day : Success!!!
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