We had originally planned to go to various Navy tailgates today but last night had nixed them. We didn't want to leave Yadi in her crate, alone, until her leg had healed more (for fear she's remember she can get out (forgetting she hurt herself) and attempting to escape again and in the process putting too much stress on her leg and injuring herself more.) And we didn't think we could take her with us, as was our original plan.
But after seeing how she was acting, we decided, 'why not?' I mean, what's the difference between her running around the apartment acting like an idiot and casually walking around the stadium? The tailgating plan actually seemed to be less stress on her leg. At least she'd only be walking instead of running and jumping.
We got to the stadium and started walked around. We stopped by 1st Company tailgate and said a quick hello. Then we walked all the way around to the front of the stadium down to the street to watch the midshipman march over. (They all "march" (casually walk) over, in their companies, from the Academy to the stadium.)
After watching that, we headed over to what was supposed to be a tailgate that a bunch of USNA significant others were hosting. We walked around the church parking lot where it was said to be held but I didn't see a single tailgate! So we just decided to head back to the car to go home, rest, and come back after the game for 1st Companies tailgate.
As we were walking, Nick noticed Yadi's foot was bleeding. Not horribly but not just surface. It was dripping a little. We had noticed her hurt leg was dragging a little but nothing too major. Well, apparently, she was dragging it enough that the front of her foot was scraping the ground. The front of the pad of one of her toes had a chunk taken out of it. Poor little girl. She's usually a HUGE baby so we were surprised she wasn't whining.
We didn't want her to walk anymore so Nick went to get the car while Yadi and I sat in the shade by the side of the road (and she nawed on some sticks...shocker!)
[I feel awful! We are horrible parents! We should have just kept her at home =( ]
We got home and Yadi was so exhausted she passed out hard core for about an hour and a half.
We decided it wasn't worth it to go back to the stadium for just an hour or so of tailgating.
So we stayed in and had a movie party with just our little family =)
Now it's bedtime and although Yadi was still acting all crazy tonight, running laps around the apartment and jumping all over, the swelling appears to be going down!
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