In Annapolis, we took Yadi to Quiet Waters Dog Park but it was just a grassy fenced-in area. No water. (The dog beach had been closed due to erosion.) So we had to take her swimming at The Academy on Hospital Point and that water was NASTY! I wouldn't even get in it.
But here, it's a large area with grass and then a beach! There are frisbees and tennis balls all over for the dogs to play with.
We weren't sure how Yadi would do since she doesn't love the water, but doesn't hate it. She'll get in and swim, but only if we're in there with her.
Not this time! We walked in the fence, set our stuff down, took her leash and harness off and she ran right down the beach and into the water! She just lunged right in! I was so proud of her!
Nick and I got in the water and played with her. She still loses her energy quickly so after too much swimming, you can tell she's tired and we have to hold her up.
I love that Yadi is still so puppy. She still runs like a puppy...ya know, more so galloping and bounding up and down like a deer. This is how she "runs" into the water too. Take a look:
Yadi also hasn't mastered doggie paddling. She stands more upright, like a dolphin and paddles. So it takes her longer to get places. Nick is trying to lean her forward more on her belly and support her to teach her how to swim like a real dog and not a dolphin. But in time, she'll get it.
It was a fun day and Yadi did well with the other dogs. I guess we haven't been exposing her to other dogs lately because she's been a little skittish of them. She doesn't growl or bite at them but she's scared. (However, in PetSmart, she loves ALL the dogs.) But at the beach, she would sometimes run up to another dog and say hello (by sniffing their butt). And when other dogs came up to her, or raced her for a a frisbee or ball, she didn't mind! Success! We think it's having a LOT of dogs around her at once makes her weird because she's fine with one or two dogs.
It was a fun day and we can't wait to bring her back!
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