Nick is currently in his third of week of Advanced (helo training). He hasn't really had too much going on thus far. Well, he's had a lot going on and has been really busy, but nothing major has occurred.
For the most part, he's just been sitting in class all day. He's also had duty quite a few times (my beloved took one for the team and signed up for duty from 6pm-6am the night of the Dining Out so we didn't have to go. It would have cost us $100+, we didn't know a soul since he had JUST started, and we're not a fan of the silly rules, especially the no getting up to use the restroom unless you want to be "punished" and embarrassed in front of everyone. This doesn't sit well with me because I inevitably would have had to get up at least once, probably more like three times, during dinner to dislodge my food. As if I'm not already embarrassed enough about that happening, to have someone call me/Nick out and do whatever they wanted him/us to do (drinking from the grog?) would only make me want to cry and hide under the table....more so than I normally do at those type of events because of my situation.)
Today was Nick's first sim. We were up until 1am last night going through his millions of checklists in preparation for it {Wife of the Week Award}. I play the role of the instructor and say their part while Nick (pretend) does all the necessary things (ie. pushing buttons, giving hand signals, turning switches, moving things up and down, etc as if he were really in the cockpit of a helicopter) and then he responds with his necessary response. When he got home this morning after his sim, I asked how it went. In normal Nick fashion, his response was "Alright." If you know Nick, then you know know that that's really the only response you'll receive. He's too modest to ever tell you if he did well. Ever. (However, he will tell you if he does poorly (and then will probably be a crabby pants all night) but that's a rare case.)
Hmmmm what else???
Nick is a part of the HT-18 Vigilant Eagles squadron. We've been asked if we like it. I'd say thus far, we do. Nick hasn't really been too involved in things since it's only his third week, but he hasn't complained about anything or any instructors so I'd say that's a point for the "I like it" side. His only complaint is that he didn't know anyone. He's since made two good friends in his class (who have been over to study at the house) and one of them is going to be his (for lack of better words) flying partner. (Unlike Primary, they're allowed to pick their partners here in Advanced.)
As for myself, the OSC (Officer Spouse Club) is really involved and truly makes an effort to include the student spouses. In Nick's previous squadron, it appeared that the OSC was more just the IP (Instructor Pilot) wives. The HT-18 OSC has a social every month (this month is happy hour at a local resturant/bar). They also have Winey Wednesdays, play groups for those with kids every Tuesday, and doggie play dates once a week. There's always random things going on as well in addition to those regularly scheduled events.
The day after Nick checked into HT-18, about a month ago, we attended a FAM-0 for the students and their spouses. It was an event to get to know the squadron, their CO (the head guy of the squadron), the OSC, and get a tour. They provided dinner (stupid Chick-fil-A which I don't support or like, but did eat since I didn't buy it) and the instructors' spouses each made a dessert. After some introducing of the CO, some talk about who and what the OSC is and does, and then some brief information about what to expect from our spouses during Advanced, the various types of helos they could fly afterwards in the fleet and where they'd take us, how long we should expect to be here, etc etc etc we then split into two groups and headed out for a tour with some IP spouses and instructors while our husbands stayed behind. (Not sure what all they did).
First, we went to the control tower and it was the coolest thing ever! They took us up in the top (I'd never been in one before) and because it was dark outside, it looked awesome out on the flight line. They explained the different runways, lights, "the shack" (which we're told our husbands will talk about a lot) and what each person in the tower is responsible for. We then went down into the radar room which wasn't nearly as cool and pretty claustrophobic if you ask me.
After that, we headed to the hangar and got to peer inside the helos. The guys will fly two different models, although to someone like myself, they look exactly the same. They are the TH-57 Charlie model and the Bravo model. These helos are TINY!!! I thought they would be bigger but they're not at all. (And they look...well ARE, super old compared to the fancy glass cockpit T-6s Nick just finished flying in Primary.)
Then we went into the sim building and were each given a turn to fly in the helo simulator (with the hydraulics turned off). I decided to not partake in this because I already had a migraine and the T-6 sim made me sick so I'd rather not embarrass myself on the first day.)
Afterwards, we got a tour of their entire squadron building so we could see where the Ready Room is, where he'll brief, where he'll flight plan, where he is when he's SDO, etc. They figured it'd be nice for us to see where he'll be spending his long days and give us a visual for when he talks about his day.
I really enjoyed the FAM-0 and am happy we went. Sadly, we left with me having WAY more knowledge than Nick since he hadn't even checked into the squadron yet (he would be doing so the following week).
The next day, I got a call from the CO (the head guy) thanking me for coming, again welcoming me to the HT-18 family, and letting me know to contact him if I had any questions or concerns.
Then just a few days later, I received a call from a spouse in the OSC again welcoming me, telling me all about their group, verifying she had my correct email and asking if there's any questions I had.
All in all, I'm happy with HT-18 thus far. I know we haven't been in it long, but they all seem really welcoming and really focused on family. Even though Nick just started and they don't know him too well and he's sooooo busy right now (they say Advanced training is very front loaded....meaning he's a lot busier in the beginning than any other part of this training), they allowed him to not be scheduled one day so he could attend a doctor's appointment with me. No questions asked other than "Is the appointment here in Pensacola?"
I'm looking forward to meeting a few other spouses and I know Nick is looking forward to getting in a helo and actually flying. I will do my best to keep you all updated on his training as best as I can. (Sometimes, I don't even understand what Nick is telling me about his days so it's impossible for me to relay them to you all.) Stay tuned because I'm sure the next update I have for you all will be about his first flight!!!
{Note: Please do not pass judgment and say "ohhh she's one of those who won't eat at Chick-fil-A because of their views." I do not care what your views are. Everyone is free to their own beliefs. I have two reasons for not eating there:
1. I simply don't like it. In college, the main place for food had 4 fast food places (they've since completely redone it...spoiled students lol) Subway, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, & Pizza Hut. In my five years there, I ate there once a week and got Chick-fil-A MAYBE 5 times in my five years there (2003-2008). I do NOT like their chicken. I'd eat McD's or Wendy's over it any day. And this was WAY before the whole homosexual hater thing came about.
Secondly, I do not eat there because while I don't care what their views are, I refuse to give my money to an organization that gives some of their profit to an anti-gay organization. I will NOT give my money to support those causes. Just as I would not eat somewhere that openly gave some of their profit to an anti-military organization or something like the Westboro Baptists. This choice has nothing to do with their views, but how the chose to spend my money/their profit. It's simply because I will not allow my money to go towards hate. And that's how I see that. I do not judge others who choose to eat there so I don't think anyone should judge me. I will eat it as long as it was not MY money that paid for the food, such as Nick's squadron providing it.
And that's my explanation.}