How far along? 14 weeks
Baby size? The size of a lemon, about 3.4 inches long and weighing just 1.5 ounces.
Baby progress? Baby is now more fluid in his/her movements instead of the jerky movements we saw in our 12 week ultrasound. His/Her intestines are now producing meconium which is the waste that will make up it's first poop (yay?) and producing urine now. Baby can also squint, frown, and suck it's thumb. His/her liver, kidney, and spleen are functioning better every day! Baby is using all the protein I'm eating to build muscle and he/she is adding fat to their tiny frame and has doubled in weight since last week! He/She is also producing white blood cells to help fight off infections once their debut into this world is made.
Weight gain? None.
Stretch marks? Nope. Still using Bio Oil every night Burt's Bees Mama Butter in the morning.
Sleep? I'm not sleeping as well as I was, but I don't think that's anything to do with pregnancy. I just think I'm not as dead tired exhausted as I was and thus I'm back to my old ways of not sleeping well anymore.
Morning sickness? Still none. I'm told, and thus I'm hoping, that since I haven't had any yet, I won't. I know some people don't have it in the beginning and get it later, but I'm hoping I'm not one of those rare ones that it happens to.
Food aversions? None.
Urination? I'm definitely peeing more. Not volume, just frequency. I feel like I have to go more frequently but when I do, there's not much coming out of me. I guess this baby is making my bladder smaller and thus I'm peeing less volume but more frequently.
Acid reflux? It's getting worse, but definitely still manageable. Thankfully I have my normal medication to help with that.
Boobs? Not as sore as they were. I think they took a break in growing and soreness but I'm told they'll begin to grow again. I'm a D cup now, which is a large change from my As but now that they aren't sore, I'm not complaining!
Fatigue? It's not as bad as it was, but definitely still there. Stairs are still a huge task. Standing or walking for too long has me wanting to pass out. Apparently most people get their energy back in their second trimester and w few don't. I am one of those that hasn't. At least not yet.
Pregnancy brain? I haven't done anything super stupid this week. I do ask Nick the same question about 10 times in an hour still.
Emotional: I was emotional before but wow! I cry and tear up over EVERYTHING!!!!! And I'm super bitchy at times. My poor husband has to deal with this more frequently than he'd like.
Headaches: They aren't as frequent as they were but I do get them from time to time.
Back-ne: The back-ne is better, but the acne on my face is making up for the back-ne's disappearance :(
Itchy skin: Yep, my legs are still so incredibly itchy!!
Cloudy vision: Hasn't come back this week, but I've been wearing my glasses a lot lately.
Cravings? Nothing really. People keep asking if I crave salty or sweet and I crave both.
Movement? Still not feeling anything. I'm really anxious to feel it!!
Workouts & Activity? No, but I'm hoping maybe next week I can begin to do some sort of activity. Praying my energy comes back.
How are you feeling? I'm feeling great! I'm less anxious now. There are times I think about this mass/ovary and it gets me worried, but for the most part, I'm able to forget about it. When I do, I just focus on the high-risk specialists confidence that it's an ovary. But other than occasional anxiety, I cannot complain. Pregnancy has been treating me really well!
Best moment this week? Finally feeling like I look more pregnant with a human baby than a food baby.
Worst moment this week? When I got my baby drunk. Before you judge me, hear me out. We celebrated Thanksgiving with friends on Thursday. One of our friends brought some non-alcoholic champagne for me. I hate opening them so I asked someone else to open it. I forgot about it and just before we sat down to dinner, someone (I don't even remember who!) handed me my glass of champagne. I sat down to dinner and drank my champagne. At one point, I said to the friend who brought the non-alcoholic champagne, "This is really good!!". When I finished the glass, I went to pour myself another glass. In the kitchen, I saw the two champagne bottles on the counter. I picked them both up, read them, located the non-alcoholic one and poured a second glass. "Hm, this looks different. My glass before was more a peach color." I went back into the dining room not thinking much of it and sat down. I took a sip. 'Oh shit!' I thought. This not only looks differently, but it tastes differently. I looked at everyone's glasses of champagne, you know, the alcoholic kind. Theirs was peach. Mine was your typical true champagne color. Awesome. I just downed an entire glass of champagne and have officially won the worst mother award and my child isn't even here yet! So many people told me that one glass won't hurt the baby and some OBs say an occasional glass of champagne or red wine is okay. I don't know if this is true but damn do I feel like a horrible mother :/
What do you miss? Having pants that fit me well. Right now, they're still being buttoned with a pony-tail holder and that means they aren't very tight. Which means when I sit, they sag and if my shirts aren't long enough, I show major crack to anyone behind me.
Things that suck? Playing a drinking game with friends but not actually being able to drink but still having to smell their beer
Things that don't suck? Having a justification for all the random cravings I have. One day I'm wanting corn dogs, the next Oreo's, the next Cap'n Crunch, etc.
one glass of that won't do a thing. it's not like you meant to do it either!
ReplyDeleteAww, you can definitely see your bump! How awesome! :)
ReplyDeleteNot your fault at all and one drink won't do anything. Total honest mistake, that wasn't something you did intentionally.
ReplyDeleteThat is so not your fault and one drink won't cause any issues.
ReplyDeletesuch a super cute picture!!! and i cannot believe your boobs have grown that much in such a short time! that's awesome (especially now that they aren't sore) :)
ReplyDeleteAw such a cute bumby bump!! And you definitely don't win worst mother award--it was just a mixup :)
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH I LOVE YOUR BABY BUMP YAYYYY!!!! My sister never had any morning sickness with my niece so hopefully the same thing happens to you! Itchy legs sounds AWFUL though. I hope that goes away ASAP. And don't worry... i'll drink all the alcohol for you because I'm a good friend.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness you are too stinkin' CUTE with this bump! I need to keep up with Blogland, I'm missing all the best things
ReplyDeleteA d cup?! BADONK!
ReplyDeleteYou look great mama! I kind of laughed at the alcohol situation.. girl, you are just getting started on the "bad mama" stresser. IT KILLS ME. I worry about the most ridiculous crap when it comes to Grace. LOL.