How far along? 15 weeks
Baby size? The size of an orange. About 4 inches long and weighs roughly 2.5 ounces.
Baby progress? All of baby's joints and limbs can move now and the body's proportions are becoming normal. Although the heart is still under construction, it's pumping plenty of blood now and baby is still practicing breathing. The genitalia is complete so we could now be able to tell if we're having a boy or girl.
Weight gain? None.
Stretch marks? Nope. Same routine every day to prevent it.
Sleep? Not sleeping great, but not horribly either.
Morning sickness? Still none.
Food aversions? None.
Urination? All.The.Time.
Acid reflux? Same as last week. Worse but still manageable most days.
Boobs? Barely sore at all! Growing has stopped for now. (at least I think so).
Fatigue? Still out of breath all the time and beyond exhausted after a day of work but don't feel the strong need for a nap anymore so I guess I'm slowly getting energy back.
Pregnancy brain? Forgetful and clumsy. All the time.
Emotional: Overly emotional.
Headaches: None this week!
Back-ne: No more!
Itchy skin: Still my damn legs.
Cloudy vision: Nope!
Cravings? Corn dogs, pizza, and root beer.
Movement? No :(
Workouts & Activity? Not yet. If I didn't work, I think I'd have the energy for them but after a 10-12 hour day, I'm just ready for bed.
Others? Occasional fluttery heart. Is that normal? I'm going to talk to my doctor about it at my next appointment.
I'm also so thirsty all the time. Which means I'm peeing even more frequently.
How are you feeling? Aside from crazy super stressed at work, I'm great!!!! No big complaints.
Best moment this week? Finally feeling like I look pregnant with a human baby (to those that know me) other than a questionable food baby or FUPA.
Worst moment this week? Realizing all my leggings are so tight that while they surprisingly aren't uncomfortable, they are creating two separate bellies and noticeably squeezing me in half.
What do you miss? My pre-pregnancy body. Call me vain but it's true.
Things that suck? My sweaters are all so tight in the armpits and boobs. My chest is SMASHED in them and the armpits are causing chaffing they're so tight. Time to buy new clothes.
Things that don't suck? Not being judged by Nick for eating corn midnight because I have a legit excuse. Or at least I tell myself I have a legit excuse
I definitely had to Urban Dictionary FUPA.... Anyways, praying you have a healthy pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these updates!!!! I'll be anxious to hear whether you're having a boy or a girl if 1) you decide to find out, and 2) you decide to share! Otherwise I'll just be anxious for when that little bundle arrives. You look great! Really sucks that shirts are so tight in the boobs and armpits... it drives me NUTS when shirts are tight in those places!!
ReplyDeletebaaahah you said FUPA and that made me laugh out loud! good call on the corn dogs in bed too!
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ReplyDeletePizza and root beer... that is a winning combo right there!
ReplyDeleteCorn dog at midnight is the best part. That sounds delicious!