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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pregnancy Update: Week 16

I know what you're thinking.  'Didn't you just put up a 15 week update yesterday?'
I sure did.  But I was behind.  However, I'm currently in my 16th week, so that means I'm caught up (minus weeks 4-12).  

Saturdays is when my new week begins, so I usually take my photos on either Saturday or Sunday but for some reason, it's hard for me to get around to publishing these.  If a post requires taking photos off my camera, editing them (resizing, cropping, and adding my website), then it usually gets put off.  I'm going to try harder to get these posts up on Monday or Tuesday of each week so you are't overwhelmed with them.  

Anyway, here we are, at 16 weeks, in my current state!

How far along?  16 weeks

Baby size?  The size of an avocado.  Baby is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces.  

Baby progress?  Baby Obie can now hear!!!  I'm sure he/she is now wishing that Mama wasn't so loud and obnoxious.  Sorry kid, get used to hearing my voice because I talk a lot.  Just ask your daddy, he gets rather annoyed.  But I bet he has tips for tuning me out while still making it seem like he's listening ;).  That other loud noise you hear all the time over and over?  That's your big(gest) sister, Yadi.  She's a very vocal, very sassy Weimaraner but she's anxious for you get here so she can have another person to play ball with.  I hope you like books because we're going to start reading to you each night.  That'll probably be the only time you hear daddy (other than his snoring at night) because he's not like and doesn't talk often.  But I've begun buying my favorite baby books (that's the teacher in me) because reading is very important to me so now that you can hear, you're going to get to hear your books before you even enter this world!
Baby Obie is also growing hair, eye lashes, and eyebrows.  (I bet before now you resembled Mommy circa 2006 when I was also lacking all hair everywhere on my body.)  
Baby is also getting other senses like sight (he/she can detect light through my belly!), touch, and smell.  

Weight gain?  Nope.  Or at least if I have, it's not noticeable.  

Stretch marks?  No and let's hope it stays that way.  

Sleep?  Sleep is okay, but it's not pregnancy related.  Just my usual work stress keeping my mind from settling and making it hard to go back to sleep after I wake up to pee.  

Morning sickness?  No.  I'd hate to say I won't get it since I'm in my 16th week and haven't had it yet, but I hear it's rare to get it after this point (I said rare, I know anything can happen.)
Food aversions?  None.
Urination? Lots of it.  I pee at least every 2 hours.  I'm averaging about 4 restroom trips a night, but have had SEVEN once before!  (I drank an entire glass of water before bed but that's because I am so freaking thirsty all the time!)
Acid reflux?  Bad.  But I'm used to it.  It's worse than it's been the past 8 years but I'm able to deal with it.  
Boobs?  Holding steady as a D cup and not sore anymore!  Embracing this while it lasts!
Fatigue?  It's still strong.  But I do get some days where I feel good.  Usually one day a week and maybe two hours here and there on a give day. The other day I came home from work and while I still was breathing like I had ran a marathon after walking up the stairs, I had the energy to do laundry, fold and hang clothes, clean the kitchen and bathroom.  But for the most part, I'm always tired and always out of breathe.  Even just standing for more than 10 minutes has my heart racing.  
Pregnancy brain?  I stop mid-sentence and have no idea what I'm talking about.  I still ask Nick the same questions multiple times a day.
Emotional:  still an emotional mess.  While I'm driving, I listen to Christmas music and 6 out of 10 songs will make me tear up.  I'm ridiculous.
None this week!
Back-ne:  No more!
Itchy skin:  These legs.  Ugh.  So itchy, so badly, all the time.  
Cloudy vision:  Hasn't happened in a while.  

Cravings?  Corn dogs, pizza, and root beer still but add wings and chili to the list.  I'm actually pregnant with a frat boy so that's fun.

Movement?  No.  I keep reading that this is the week for the "quickening", which is the name of the movement.  But I haven't felt it and it makes me sad. Maybe I'm missing it because people says it's faint but I don't feel flutters or anything like it :(

Workouts & Activity?  Nope.  I think I'm going to ease back into them after Christmas, whether my body has the energy or not.  I really can't handle feeling like a waste of space.


How are you feeling?  Stressed and irritable.  Most of that is my job and the fact that it doesn't allow me any time to relax.

Best moment this week?  Realizing I am slowly, very slowly, getting energy back.

Worst moment this week?  My favorite sweater dress being out of commission until I'm back to pre-pregnancy size.

What do you miss?  Not having to pee 4+ times a night.

Things that suck?  My teeth have become sensitive.  Ouchie!  They were like this after chemotherapy but switching to old people senitive toothpaste has helped. Until now.

Things that don't suck?   Having an excuse to buy new clothes.  I'm not buying maternity tops, just things a size bigger or a little looser.


  1. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I wouldn't mind if you posted a pregnancy update every day.

  2. Is that your handwriting on the chalkboard? Because I'm kind of obsessed.
    You are absolutely GLOWING!
    I no longer crave guacamole.
