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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Dating Story

Nick was most definitely sent to me as a gift from God. He was and is my angel in disguise. I am here today, alive, healthy and happy, because of him. And this is why he is My 'Real' Hero.

I was dating a guy, we'll simply call him Ex.  While dating Ex, I became close with his friends. Nick and  Ex did not like each other but had the same best friend. Nick and Ex eventually became roommates with their best friend, Jay. I rarely saw or spoke to Nick though (because of the feud).

Fast forward a year from then…
Ex cheated on me and I broke up with him. Therefore, I never saw or talked to Nick anymore.
Nick enlisted in the Navy, went through boot camp in Great Lakes, IL and then moved to Charleston, SC to begin the nuke pipeline at NNPTC.

Fast forward another year from then…
I am diagnosed with cancer and undergo the most intense surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

A month after my last chemotherapy treatment, I walk into my apartment after work and find an instant message from an 'Obie1885' on my laptop. It says, “Hey Melanie, this is Nick. I’m not sure if you remember me.” I tried to think of any Nick’s I knew and couldn’t. Then I thought about the “Obie” in the screen name. I only knew one Obie. I called John (a mutual friend) and asked what his friend Obie’s real name was. He told me ‘Nick’ and asked why. I explained that I had received an IM and was confused. John replied, “Oh yeah, I meant to tell you he asked for your screen name."

I replied to Nick and we began talking. It was just small talk and getting to know each other again. I found out that he had enlisted in the Navy and had gone through boot camp, A School, and was now in Power School in Charleston, South Carolina. After about two weeks and many, many hours of conversations, I finally decided to tell Nick that I had just battled cancer. It wasn’t something I wanted a lot of people knowing but Nick seemed nice enough to not think of me any differently. He had no idea that I had been through all of that and told me about how his mother did the same not too long ago and he actually took care of her. He had started to become a good friend that I could open up to….and I did not trust many people in that area. I confided in Nick all of my fears, worries, and concerns. I told him I was really scared of being alone the rest of my life. I was worried that no guy would ever want to be with me because I had a giant scar down the middle of my stomach, two round scars on the sides of my belly button; I was so incredibly thin; I was so pale; I was bald and wearing a wig; I might not ever be able to have children; I had a lot of baggage and no one would want to worry about losing me to a relapse. Nick assured me that would not happen and that someone would be able to see past all of that.

Long story short, we continued talking and Nick fell for me...quickly. I fell for him shortly after. Then after we realized we liked each other, Nick admitted to me that he knew before he ever instant messaged me that first day that I had cancer. It was actually the sole reason he contacted me. When he heard I had battled cancer, he wanted to be there for me. He knew what it was like to deal with it closely because he took care of his mother. Nick thought that I might be feeling alone because no one my age could relate since no one had cancer. He also thought that no one could relate because not many people dealt with it so closely, such as a parent they had to take care of. But he could. He wanted to be there for me as a support system that I might not have. Neither of us expected it to develop further. Nick said he started falling very quickly. We continued to talk for hours each day (after we got past the phase of our only phone calls being drunk dials).  He came home on Christmas leave and we “dated.” He then came back for leave for his best friend’s wedding and we made it official on April 6, 2007.  Not even three months later, Nick was telling me (and his mother) that he knew I was the one and he knew he'd marry me.

(Likewise Nick met my entire family in May 2007.  My father told me that night that he knew we'd get married.  He said he could tell just from the way Nick looked at me.  And even though he had just met him, he said he had finally met the only guy he'd be willing to let me go for.)

I know Nick was meant for me. We started out as best friends and fell In Love. Nick came into my life during a time that I felt lost and alone. My world was dark. He made me see that I was not alone. He picked me up and saved me. He put a smile on my face. He Loved me. When I was afraid no one would love me in spite of cancer, Nick fell in love with me BECAUSE I had cancer. He demonstrated the true meaning of friendship and Love. Ever since our first conversation, Nick has been one of my biggest supporters. Even though he’s been 1000 miles away from 2006 to mid-2011, he’s always there for me in any and every way he can be. I am truly blessed to have this wonderful man in my life and I would not be where I am today without him. He keeps me smiling. He’s my faith when I lose sight. He’s my strength when I feel like lying down and giving up. He’s kept me alive. All because he decided to reach out to someone he barely knew in her time of need.  And every month on the 20th, he wishes me another month of remission.  He never, ever forgets.  

I have no doubts in my mind that Nick is my soulmate and we were always destined to be together.

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