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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I Want [1st Ed.]

Of course, there are many, many things I want.  But there are a few things that at this moment, I want REALLY badly.

So welcome, to the 1st Edition of 'Things I Want':

Victoria's Secret Yoga Crops
I was walking through the mall the other day and saw these on sale.  They were 2 for $26.  It's hard for me to find pants, especially these types of pants.  And ya know, the fact that I do nothing but sit around the house, I need more lounge-y pants.  And it's easier to lift weights in tight pants.  [Nothing is more annoying than lifting weight have having them get hooked on your pants/crops/shorts.]  I'm really not a VS snob, actually I'm not a brand name snob at all.  BUT $26 for two pairs of crops is just a good deal! And I love that the top of them are all different and have vibrant colors.  A great way to dress up boring black crops!


I am lazy.  When I had cancer, I never had the stamina to stand and do my hair and/or makeup.  So I would wheel my desk chair into my bathroom and sit in front of my sink.  Well, cancer's ass was kicked but I still remained weak for a long time.  And then when I wasn't weak, I just became lazy.  I get bothered when I have to stand for an hour to do my hair and makeup because I was so accustomed to sitting for almost two years.  And so I don't stand.  Once I moved home and didn't have my own bathroom in my bedroom, I did my hair and makeup at my desk....with a tiny mirror.  But now, I'm still lazy. And I'd like to upgrade from my computer desk to a vanity.  [Okay, I don't use the desk anymore...I just tough it out and stand up in the bathroom and do my hair and makeup....but I'm annoyed every time.]  Plus I like the idea of having my stuff all RIGHT there next to me.  You all know most apartments' bathrooms are not large enough to accommodate all your girly things.  I'm sure Nick hates my clutter all over the sink and under the sink and whatnot.   I LOVE this vanity because of it's color and clean lines.  It's not huge and bulky but it's not too small.  And with it's design, it'd be so simple to find a small cabinet/table/shelf to go alongside of this to house my blow dryer, flat iron, hair products, etc.  I want this thing sooooooo badly!!!!!  (Nick, it's made by Powell Furniture 502-290.... ya know, in case you were wondering ;)


Sorry for the gruesome photo.  But I want Lasik so freaking badly!  I spend so much money every year on eye exams, contacts, and contact solution.  On top of that, contacts are just a pain in the butt!  I'll admit, I don't take them out every night.  It's hard.  I am so totally blind without them.  I have glasses but the lenses are so old and don't work well.  [I just can't afford to get contacts AND new glasses.]  It's a pain to lay around with glasses just doesn't work.  They smash into my nose or will bend/break.  So I wait until right before bed to take them out.  But by that point, I'm so tired so I skip it.  And then I wake up with my eyes hurting.  If I do take them out, I fumble around in the morning trying to find my glasses.  I also have to clean them ALL the time because my dang dog is always licking them or rubbing her wet nose on them. It's annoying to always be squinting.  I wake up in the middle of the night and can't see my way to the bathroom (yes, I am THAT blind).  I have to bring my phone just 6 inches from my face to see the time.  And I know this sounds super cheesy and lame, but I hate waking up and not being able to see Nick's face....I just see this flesh colored blog next to me =/  (TMI Alert:  It's also annoying when we're "doing it" after my contacts are out and I can't even see my husband.  I mean, it's supposed to be an intimate thing and I can't even see his face clearly!)  I've heard it's really not that expensive and most places allow payment plans so this is something I REALLY want to look into once we get to Florida.

Patio Furniture
Okay, so this would be would be more than nice.  BUT I'm not wanting this.  (Okay, I AM wanting this....) But realistically, simple chairs such as this:
would do.  You see, I LOVE being outside.  Absolutely love it.  When we go to the lake, my favorite thing to do in the evenings is just sit on the deck, drink in hand, enjoying the weather and scenery, while talking/laughing/spending time with loved ones.  I loved to sit on the porch with my mother and talk and let the dog roam the yard.  I loved to walk around the neighborhood with Julie.  I love to sit on the patio at restaurants or bars.  So naturally, just because I'm in Annapolis, that hasn't changed.  We have a patio off our living room.  But no chairs.  We have Cardinals camping chairs, which we love, but they sit low and don't have a whole lot of support.  But we don't leave them out.  We don't want sun or rain (or animals) to wear and tear on them.  So it's a pain to go out, open the closet, get the chair out, sit there, then put it back in the bag, put it back in the closet.  A simple chair like this (BBB has then for $30 and I'm sure Target or other places have them just as cheap, if not cheaper) would do just fine.  Since we've moved here, I've spent one...ONE night on the patio.  It kills me to sit inside my apartment.  But it's uncomfortable any other way right now.  I don't even need a table out there (although one would be nice...even a small one.)  It's just so annoying right now that something I love so freaking much, something that would make my time here a little better, can't happen =/  I want more than anything to sit out there with Nicholas and enjoy our time together....time away from iphone, television, video games, and computers.  If only people understand what this simple thing means to me =/


Okay, not just any flowers.  I LOVE the color combination of red and yellow in a bouquet.  These two vibrant colors look amazing together!  How could these NOT brighten your day?  I don't even care what kind of flowers they are....tulips, gerber daisies, lilies, roses...combination of them.  Wouldn't matter.  They are just gorgeous colors!  I want a giant bouquet like this on my kitchen table.  Every time we visit a grocery store, I glance at the pre-made bouquets.  But there are never any red and yellow bouquets.  I can't possibly be the only who loves this color combination, right?
(This last one was random but I miss my family and friends and being here is really hard and just looking at this picture brightens my day).

And that concludes the things I want at this exact moment in time.  Feel free to drop them off at my house or have them shipped to me =)

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