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Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Recap

I had a great weekend full of lots of friends!

Friday evening I spent the night with some of my great friends (oh yeah, our dudes came too) and hung out.  We discussed fun things like Navy Ball and other not so fun things such as people selecting non-helo platforms and moving away soon =(

Saturday, I was on-call for work but thankfully never got a call and wasn't pulled away from a fun day out.  In the afternoon, I met some of my closest friends here at St. Louis Bread Co (I refuse to call it Panera) one of my absolute favorite places to eat.  I'm a sucker for their sierra turkey on asiago cheese foccacia bread (and their mac and cheese).  After lunch, we set out into the mall to find formal gowns for the Navy Ball.  Unfortunately, Pensacola sucks for formal gowns and the only store that had anything was Dillard's.  The selection wasn't fantastic and it was above what we wanted to spend.  Call us cheap, but this Ball isn't something super exciting, nor are we rich, so we all wanted to stay under or around $100.  It didn't appear there was anything under $150.  So we set out for a consignment shop, Two Times a Lady, that has nothing but formal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, and wedding gowns.  Talk about a bust.  The store had TONS of cute gowns in sizes 12+.  But there was a teeny tiny room for sizes 0-6, which is what we all feel into.  Then divide that room by half and that's how many of the dresses were floor length.  Then divide that by one tenth and that's how many dresses were actually cute.  And they most definitely were not cheap.  Heidi found a gown that was $165 to RENT!  Not even to buy.  Absurd.  We were out of ideas so we went back to Dillard's.  I couldn't justify the prices so I'm just going to stick with the $30 dress I found at Ross.

We were pretty exhausted so we hit up Starbuck's and decided to head back to Jenny's to hang out for a while and then head to dinner at Cactus Flower.  It was actually a cute little Mexican restaurant with really good food.  I definitely recommend getting their queso dip before your meal.  Soooo good!

It was a long day with the girls...about 10 hours.  This was honestly the first time we've ever done an all day girls outing.  Why?  What the heck is wrong with us?  We had a great time, good laughs, good conversations.  Why do we not do this more often?!  (Well, I guess money is one issue).  But seriously, I really, really enjoyed the day and wish we had done more of these days these past few months we were here.  One thing we talked about was how some of us (well, them) are reaching the end of their Pensacola days.  It really upsets me.  I'm not ready to say goodbye to so many great friends.  Now that time is coming to a close for some, I'm regretting we didn't do more all girls days/evenings together.  Thankfully no one is leaving tomorrow so we can try to make up for it.  Being with these girls all day Saturday made me really miss my friends back home, but thankful that I can fill that void with some amazing ladies here.

Sunday late afternoon Julius arrived at our house.  He was in town for a concert on Saturday and decided to spend the evening and night at our house.  I can't tell you how much I love this kid.  He truly is like a brother to us.  And it's easy to see how happy it makes Nick when Julius is in town.  The really does miss living with him.  The moment these two get together, you'd never guess they haven't been roommates since May 2011.  They fall back into their roommate habits, jokes, and laughter.  It's cute =)  When he's here, the boys primarily just play video games while I hang out with them.  And Julius like to mess with the's hilarious to see Julius interact with them.  He's NOT a dog person (yeah, he doesn't have a soul) and he thinks Yadi is just the craziest and sassies thing alive (which isn't far from the truth).  His two nicknames for her are "Wildcard" (because you never know what she's going to do next) and "Mouth of the South" (because she's so vocal and sassy).  He's always sticking up for Vino when the two pups "fight" and he's always loving on Vino.  He loves Vino to death and refers to her as "Sweetness".
Julius terrorizing Yadi lol
Yadi attacking Julius

Julius and Vino loving on each other
Last night, the boys played Zombies while I made a delicious dinner.  Fillet mignon, garlic cajun oven roasted potatoes, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots....and yes, I hate them!!!!), and garlic parmesan Italian bread.  And of course a bottle of Pinot Noir that Julius and I killed.

And because Julius is an awesome house guest, he brought over a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting!  And it was really delicious!

That night, I let the boys enjoy their video games and later, a movie.  I laid in bed eating cake, drinking milk AND wine, while watching a girly Nora Robert's movie.  Perfect night in my opinion!

Today, we woke up and just lounged around the house.  More laughing and giving each other a hard time....ya know, typical sibling behavior ;) More of the boys playing video games.  More of Julius terrorizing Yadi.  The usual.

Then sadly late afternoon he had to leave =(  I love these unexpected weekends with him and hate when he has to leave.  Mainly because I don't know the next time I'll see him.  Unlike my family, we don't know when we'll see each other.  I know I'll see my family on holidays.  But with military family and friends, once you PCS somewhere new, you just don't know.  Thankfully, we should be here a while and Julius should be in Meridian (about 3.5 hours away) for another 6+ months so we should get many more visits together.  But no matter when we see him again, or how many visits we get, goodbyes still suck when it's family.  And that's exactly what Julius is.  He's the sibling Nick never had and he's the little brother I never had.

Re-reading my Weekend Recap, it might not seem like anything exciting.  But I assure you, it was.  I love time with friends.  Especially such great friends.  Especially friends we consider family.  I feel very fortunate enough that I have friends like this and that I'm able to spend time with them.  I never doubted those that told me this, but know I'm understanding and living the whole "those you meet in the military become your family."  It's true.  We've considered Julius family for many years now.  And the girls I've met here are like sisters...sisters that truly understand every worry, frustration, anxiety, and joyous moment I have.

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