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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Yadi's 2nd Birthday

Tonight we celebrated Yadi's 2nd birthday!!!

And by celebrated, I mean tortured her with a birthday hat to get some photos.  Thankfully she's really well-trained and will do anything for a treat.  Put the hat on her, tell her to "leave it" and "stay" and she's locked in on the treat, without moving.  (She might be crazy but she's very intelligent and well-trained.)

Of course she got a birthday present.  Just one.  (I mean, she might be my "child" but I'm not one to completely spoil my dogs).  She loves balls, especially catching them when we throw them, so we picked up a frisbee thinking she might like this change in "fetch".  She had a Kong one but she easily destroyed that the day we got it (ironically last year on her birthday).  Not to mention, that one doesn't float and we want one we can take to the river and beaches.  So we took her out in the yard and played with her.  Except, she wouldn't give it back...she just kept running around with it, making Nick chase her.  I guess that means she really liked it.

And as a bonus, Vino loved it!!!  She's not really a fan of balls, unless it's simply a ploy to get Yadi to chase her, but she loved running around, tossing the frisbee in the air and catching it.  Not really it's true purpose but who cares as long as she likes it.  In addition, Vino got a toy.  She's not usually into the same things as Yadi so she never benefits from her gifts (whereas Yadi loves ALL toys) so we bought Vino her favorite toy, a stuff animal.

After some frisbee fun, per Nick's request, we let Yadi go to town on some balloons.  I blew up 28 balloons on Nick's birthday, and Yadi attacked them.  She had so much fun that Nick decided this would be Yadi's birthday present as well.  So being a good wife, even though I DESPISE blowing up balloons, I blew them ALL up while Nick worked so that when he got home, we were ready.
Of course Yadi loved every second of this fun.  And of course the noise scared Vino so she hid in our bedroom.  (Do not worry, she did not consume ANY bits of the balloon.  She simply bit to pop and that was it.  Surprisingly so since she's consumes anything else she can.)

Her birthday then ended with pup cakes.  I mean, what's a birthday without cake?!  What's nice is this recipe makes a dozen, so after they each get one, I freeze the other 9, and leave one out for treats throughout the next week. When we train, I just break off tiny pieces and use it.  They tend to listen better when it's a new and more delicious treat ;)  So now I have 9 more pupcakes waiting in the freezer!  Should last about 2 months or so.

And that was her birthday.  I'd like to say that now that she's hit two years old, she's calmed down.  Usually this is true of most dogs.  But not Weims.  They (well all pointers such as our Vizsla) are known as the most energetic breed.  Some people say they call down around 4-5 years of age but others said their Weims NEVER lost their energy.  I don't know that I can deal with her craziness for 10 more years!  Nick said to her, "Yadi, I didn't think you'd make it to 2 years old."  (Because of her anxiety but also because she's so clumsy.  I said, "Yadi, I didn't think I'd allow you to make it to 2 years old."  Joking, obviously, but boy does this girl drive me up a wall.  I'm sure if I didn't color my hair you'd see the gray. (She's already caused Vino to gray!!)
Pooped out after balloon popping and frisbee time.

I posted this on Facebook and it's most definitely an accurate description of this completely insane  yet completely adorable pup.
Happy 2nd Birthday to the most crazy, sassy, vocal, back-talking, too intelligent for her own good, button-pushing, nosey, high energy, crate destroying, ball obsessed, anxious, Chewbacca sounding, gray hair causing, bruise inducing, busted lip giving, ADHD, toy destroying, food obsessed, crazy eyed, bug catching, curious, persistent, mom-obsessed, hilarious, Houdini, adorable, Wildcard, beautiful, can't help but love her and laugh at her, dog on the planet, YADI!
She might have too much personality for a dog, (let's be real, too much for a human even), but I wouldn't trade her crazy, high maintenance ass for anything!!! She definitely keeps life interesting and always has us laughing. Love you, Yadi Girl!!

[To view more photos and a video of her popping balloons, you can check out my SmugMug page HERE ]

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