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Monday, November 11, 2013

{Dog} Swim Party

We've loved our neighborhood since before we even put an offer on our house.  It's one of the reasons we looked at so many houses for sale in this neighborhood.  But we loved it for us as humans.

And now I love it even more because it's dog friendly.  We have a few lakes throughout the neighborhood and they have doggie poop bag stations around them (technical terms there).  So they can't hate dogs, right?

Then I got an email from our HOA announcing the last day the pool would be open.  Following the pool closing, they announced the next day would be the annual dog swim.  Say whaaaaa?!  Apparently, every year, after the pool is closed to the humans, the next day they have a doggie swimming party!  All the neighborhood dogs are invited to come romp around the pool. How awesome!!! 

Seeing as my dogs love swimming, we knew we'd go.  Unfortunately, while Vino loves the ocean, lakes, and her own kiddie pool, she is not a fan of large swimming pools.  Yadi, however, will go anywhere for a ball.  We attempted to coax her in.  Fail.  Eventually Nick just threw her ass in and that was it.  From then on, if you threw her ball in, she'd go after.  

Nick, after traumatizing Vino by pushing her in while she was walking along the edge and then tossing her in another time (a game she LOVES at the lake), he carried her in to try to regain some trust (which was a big fat fail.)  Yadi was sooooo concerned by Nick holding her and carrying her, that she began frantically crying and dove in after her sister to save her!

I mean, just look at how scared poor Vino Bear appears.

And because Yadi is...well, Yadi, I'll share this gem with you all.  Talk about an ugly photo.

The girls had a blast.  Yadi enjoyed diving in for her ball and swimming around.  Vino enjoyed running around the edge of the pool and socializing with the other dogs and humans.

And now I love my neighborhood even more for being so dog friendly!  They even provided lots of tennis balls, toys, and bowls of non-chlorinated water.

Do you live in a super friendly dog neighborhood?  In what ways do the love your pups?

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