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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Please Read Before You 'Share' a News Story

I'm sure you've been this being shared on Facebook.  Or maybe you haven't, and I just feel it's being shared by everyone because I'm a part of the military community and more than half of my Facebook friends are as well.
For that reason, I'm going to share it on my blog.

I'm sure you all remember a few months ago hearing about the helicopter crash in the Red Sea.  I heard the news, and my heart broke for the loved ones of the crew.  We learned that two of the pilots were killed while the remaining crew survived.  One of the pilots left behind a wife, Theresa and children.  The blog that has been shared on Facebook is an important one, discussing the events the day of the crash, and how Theresa found out.  I encourage you all to read it HERE.

Although I cried for Theresa a few months ago when the news of the crash broke, I cried again reading this article.  As if the entire situation wasn't awful enough, to learn of it all via Facebook just makes it so much worse.

I will fully admit to being guilty of what this article is urging us not to do.  I, too, will read about a crash and share the article.  I mean no harm in doing this.  In fact, I do it for the very reason this article states, "In the naval aviation community, we often share posts about plane crashes or other mishaps because we want everyone wrapping their arms around the people involved."  I share the article so that others can begin praying that the pilot is found, alive and well.  Or that everyone can offer up thoughts and prayers for the loved ones and squadron left behind.  
Never had the thought crossed my mind that this news report had been released before the family was notified.  But I will think twice.  I will "say a silent prayer."  

My heart breaks for Theresa, her boys, and their loved ones.  My very own husband is a helicopter pilot so it's easy for me to imagine myself in this role; reading a report online and suddenly wondering if this could be my husband's helo, while pacing my house.  It sickens me.  I worry about Nick every single day he's out there flying.  But when I think about how hard this would be if it were us, it's just me.  We don't have children.  I don't have anyone that I would need to remain strong for.  To continue to care for.  To continue to wake up, make breakfast, play with, smile, and somehow explain that Daddy isn't coming home.  Knowing that Daddy will only be stories to our newborn.  I just hate reading these stories.  And this one really got to me, knowing just how Theresa found out.

I will never share a story until I am 100% certain the family has been notified.  And I urge you to do the same thing.  Error on the side of caution and offer up a silent prayer.


  1. I HATE that our local news station will show photos of a car crash after it happens. What if someone found out through Facebook?! Plus it just looks tacky showing photos of the wreckage like those people didn't even matter!

  2. That is so horrible! I can't believe anything would be posted until the family is notified.

  3. I just choose not to share on Facebook period. There's so many erroneous articles out there and if I can't take the time to do research to see if it's factual or not , I'm not going to share. But it seems thats how many people get all sorts of news these days!

  4. Crazy! That's such a terrible way to find out. In some instances, social media has opened up doors I never thought possible. In other ways (like this one) it's clear sometimes the news travels too fast.
