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Monday, November 21, 2011

My 27th Birthday

Today was my 27th Birthday.  (yes I am that old.)

While I'm sad I couldn't celebrate with my family and friends, I was happy that I had Nick.

[Back track a few days.  We went out with two other couples, the Rosa's and the Robida's.  While we weren't out specifically for my birthday, both Lauren and Jenny each bought a round of shots for us girls for my birthday =)  THANK YOU girls!  You're the best.  Happy I was able to celebrate with at least some friends!  It was nice to have a night out of drinks, pool, and some juicy sex girl talk lol]  

He had to go to work that morning but was home by about 10am and came inside with my gifts (wrapped so nicely!!!).

I didn't really expect him to get me anything other than Dumbo (which I knew I was getting...I am collecting all the Disney movies on DVD now since my VHS's are useless lol) because he had spent so much on my iPhone 4S.
But there was a second gift.  A KINDLE TOUCH!!!!!

I had been wanting a Kindle for quite some time.  I've done lots of research between the Kindle and Nook.  It was an easy decision for me to choose the Kindle.  While I know there are fancier (colored) Kindles out there, I didn't want that.  I plan to only use my Kindle to read books and therefore don't need color.  It'd be a waste of money for me.  I don't want to read magazines on my Kindle or other things of the sort.  It was the perfect gift and I was shocked he bought it!!

A little while later,  I had mentioned something about my family's birthday cakes and Nick walked out in the garage and came back in with a grocery bag.
"I'm going to make you a cake!"  ....ummmm "Have you ever baked anything before????"
Nope.  Never.  This should be interesting!  Nick was going to attempt to make a 2-tier cake.
He bought chocolate cake mix and chocolate icing (he knows me well) and pink sprinkles with pink/purple candies to say Happy Birthday (he has boy handwriting so he didn't want to attempt to write on the cake).  And he didn't forget the candles!

So I sat in the kitchen and watched.  It was pretty freaking amusing!!!!!

But in the end, the cake turned out really, really well!!!  Especially for a first time baker.  The real test would come later that night when we actually ate it. 

Later that evening, Nick took me miniature golfing.  I LOVE mini golf and have been wanting to go since we moved here.  Plus, there isn't a whole lot to do in Pensacola, especially now that it's off season so it was a great choice.  It was also nice to whoop Nick's butt in the first game (second we tied). 

After golf, Nick stopped at the store and we bought a Christmas tree!!!!!  I was so excited!  I LOVE Christmas time and now we could start decorating early with the tree!!!!

Then we headed to dinner and I enjoyed a nice juicy burger that I had been CRAVING!!!!

When we got home, Nick got the laptop ready.  He knew I was sad I wasn't able to be home with my family as well.  He also knew my family always made a cake and sang Happy Birthday to me.  He had text my family earlier and had planned with them to webcam as they sang and I blew out my candles.  HOW SWEET IS HE?!
Unfortunately, Ben and Randy weren't able to connect to the internet to webcam but I got to see my Mother, Father, Sister, and pup Sierra!  They all sang "Happy Birthday" and watched as I made a wish and blew out my candles.

Then Nick and I ate some cake (test was DELICIOUS) and continued to webcam with my family for about 45 minutes.

It was great.  I love that Nick knows how much my family means to me and incorporated them in my day.

We ended the evening with some cuddling movie time on the couch.

I'm thankful I was able to spend this day with Nick.  In last 5 years, he was only ever with me for one birthday.  So this it the second one we've been together for.  I know in the years to come, I will probably spend many, many more without him.  Because of that, I did and will cherish every second of the ones I get with him.  I Love Nicholas so much and it makes me realize how blessed I am that he tried his hardest to make this day as best as it could be.  Thank you, Babe.

And thank you to my family for webcamming with me.
Thank you, everyone else, for the texts, phone calls, Facebook messages/posts, emails, etc wishing me a Happy Birthday.  I felt very loved today =)

So now, starts my old life as a 27 year old =(

To see all the pictures from my birthday, click HERE!

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