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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nick's First {Fur} Father's Day

Today was really just a laid back day.  It was Nick's first {fur} Father's Day.

It wasn't anything too special.  The dogs did get him a card which they "signed".

The pups and I allowed Nick to play video games all day, which he very much so appreciated.
And I cooked his favorite meal for dinner.

As for his gift, it's a typical Father's Day gift.
A while ago, we were walking through Michael's or Joann's (I don't remember which) and he saw this kit to make hand prints in.  He said he thought it'd be a neat idea to get it and make a paw print of the pups when they turned one.
Well, I decided we could do this as his Father's Day gift.  I didn't make it ahead of time because I know I'll need his help with his.  I can't exactly explain to the dogs what we're doing and expect them to cooperate.
So there are no pictures of this gift since it hasn't happened yet. But I promise to post them, along with a how-to because I am making it myself, instead of buying the store bought kit.  MUCH cheaper and I think it will work a lot better.

So that's it....a pretty simple day for a man and his dogs but he enjoyed it none the less.  Really, any day of relaxing, food, and cuddles with his pups is a perfect day for Nick so it all worked out =)

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