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Friday, May 10, 2013

MSAD 2013

A lot of you might be saying, "What the crap is MSAD?"  I'm lazy so I'll only type this once; it stands for Military Spouse Appreciation Day, which occurs every year on the Friday before Mother's Day.

This is only my second "official" MSAD seeing as we've only been married just shy of two years. But previous to our wedding, Nick would still send me a sappy email about how even though we weren't married, he still appreciated the sacrifices and support I provided him.

Yesterday morning, I woke up early and found a card awaiting me on the kitchen table.  I opened it up and inside was of course a sweet message from Nick along with a Starbucks giftcard!!!!!  Now, this might not seem like a big deal, but it's HUGE!  Nick despises Starbuck's.  I mean, he hates coffee (anything even remotely coffee scented or flavored...even a mocha candle!), but he truly hates Starbuck's because he thinks they charge WAY too much for their drinks.  And I agree....they are pretty expensive when you think about how little you're actually getting for that amount ("I could get a 24 pack of Mountain Dew for what you pay for one drink").  But the sad truth is, there's just not an alternative.  I definitely cannot make frapps as great as theirs (which is what I order 95% of the time).  And there are no other coffee places around here, except gas stations, which are not anything to brag about.  That being said, I don't get Starbucks often because when I do, I hear his voice and see my medical/student loan debt and then I'm overcome with guilt.  "If I add up all these coffees, that's a monthly payment."  (Not to mention, I try to not have coffee more than three times a month.)
So anyway, all that to say him getting me a giftcard to a place he LOATHES means a LOT!

When Nick got home from work that evening, he offered to make dinner.  (Thankfully this wasn't just a MSAD thing.  Nick makes dinners for us about 50% of the time.  I just got lucky like that.)  After dinner, we watched the Cardinals game and he played with my hair AND scratched my back!!!  I don't know about you all, but those are two of my absolute favorite things!!!!  Again, he does these things often but this night, I got it for a good solid hour!!!!

After dinner, Nick took me out for dessert and drinks!!  And unbeknownst to us, it was 2 for 1!!!  As always, we had great conversations and I just love talking about our exciting future!  I still get butterflies and all giddy just as I did when we were dating and we first began talking about possibly getting married and having a forever together.

I feel blessed that Nick remembers this day and does something to make it special.  But I feel blessed that I married a man who constantly appreciates me.  Almost daily, Nicholas will tell me how much appreciates all that I do for him and the support I provide.  He truly understands that while I'm loving this life with him, it's incredibly difficult for me to be away from my family and friends.  He understands the struggle with nursing school and that I've had to delay that next step for my professional future.  He understands my concern and worry with not having my doctors just down the road.  He understands the hardships associated with finding employment.  He recognizes all the little things I do for him, our dogs, and our house so that it's one less thing for him to worry and stress about, spend time doing, or occupying his mind when he's flying.  He knows I do these things to make his demanding and exhausting career easier and worth it.
I know I am incredibly lucky to have a man who not only recognizes these things, but thanks me daily for them.  Sure, today I got a gift for it, and I'm grateful for that.  But every other day, I get his random from-behind-hugs while I'm doing dishes, his random pull-you-off-the-couch embraces, his random forehead kisses, etc accompanied by a "Do you know how much I Love you?" and "Thank you for everything you do for me and our family."  Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for giving me such a loving, caring, and appreciative man.
The thing is, I don't do these things for the praise. I do them simply because I Love him.  I'm proud of him.  And I love our life together.  I'm dedicated to making this life as easy and as best as it can be.  He works so hard to support us and I want to do all I can to show HIM how much I appreciate his hard work and dedication to our family and our country.

And now, I'd like to wish a VERY Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day (okay, so I typed it twice) to all my fellow wives (and fiances, girlfriends/boyfriends, and husbands) out there!
Some of you have become my best friends and you make this crazy life not only bearable, but enjoyable!!!!!  You've helped me turn an unknown town into home; a place I've come to love and will be sad to leave.  Others of you, some I've never met, (yet someday hope to), have offered support and advice on anything and everything, been there for me during the rough times, and prayed for me in my times of need.  I feel blessed to call you all friends because you are by far some of the strongest, most dedicated, resilient, and independent women I know.  It's most definitely not an easy life, but you all handle it with such ease and grace that civilians might wonder why some complain about it!  I hope you all know how special you are and that your support and love to not only your spouses and families is appreciated, but your friendship is appreciated as well!!!!

I'm just one month shy of being a two year Navy Wife.  While I do not define myself solely as a "Navy Wife", I am damn proud to be one!!!
When Nick and I began dating, I was hesitant to take the jump and fully commit to him.  I kept saying "I don't want to marry a military man and live that lifestyle."  (Thank goodness for my best friend, Jessie.  Had it not been for her knocking some sense into me, I would have lost the best thing to ever happen to me!)  I finally decided to take a risk, knowing this life would be far from easy.  I wish I could report I was wrong, but I was right.  This life has been difficult at times.  It's never easy to leave a family that you're ridiculously close with, the best friends on earth, a city you adore, and a job you love.  I left the only life I knew behind to start a new (and somewhat scary) one with Nicholas, in a whole new city where I knew no one.  In just these two short years, I've come to love this lifestyle.  Sure, I miss my family and friends, St. Louis, and my old job, but I no longer cry when I think of them.  Committing to Nicholas was most definitely the absolute best risk I've ever taken!
The experiences I've had, the places I've lived, the amazing people I've met, and the knowledge I've gained have made this all worth it.  My marriage has grown stronger than I ever imagined possible and we have a Love and friendship I did not know could truly exist.  Although I did not think it was possible the day we left St. Louis in a moving truck, I can honestly say there are an infinite amount of positives to this lifestyle.  My pros now outweigh the cons.  Both of them have made me a better person and I cannot imagine my life any differently.  I know we'll hit bumps here and there, and things will test my strength, our marriage, and my faith, but with Nicholas and my amazing military wives, I know I can overcome anything the Navy throws our way!  Our journey is far from over, and I look forward to seeing where our next chapter will be!!!!

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