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Monday, October 13, 2014

Celebrating an Anniversary & Fall Fun!!

Happy Monday y'all!!!  I haven't done a weekend recap in quite a while.  I know, you've all missed them.  In all seriousness, I know only my parents and a few friends truly care how I spent my weekend.  I really do these recaps for myself.  I love looking back each year and seeing what I did.  It's my like my online scrapbook.  Which becomes a real scrapbook because there's an awesome site where you can turn your blog into a book!

But now I'm rambling.

This weekend was rather busy.  The last few weekends we haven't done too much because either Nick's been working, I've been feeling crappy, or we've just had too much to do around the house.

Friday, after I arrived home from physical therapy (more on that in another post), I showered and we went out to celebrate our engagement anniversary.  Friday marked 5 years since Nicholas flew into St. Louis (I had no idea he was there), sent me to a spa to get a massage and manicure (while he showed up at my parents house to ask for their blessing), then sent me all over St. Louis on a scavenger hunt to places that had significance to us before finding him, on one knee.  (Followed by dinner at Ruth's Chris then off to see Phantom of the Opera and the next day, a hot air balloon ride at sunset).  It was seriously one of the best days of my life!  We usually celebrate each year, nothing big or fancy, but just a way of recognizing that this day is still important to us.  We went out to dinner and then headed next door to see Gone Girl (sooooo good!!!  I'm normally disappointed in books turned movie but I really loved it!  Although bitty be CRAZY!  So much creepier watching it!).
Afterwards we just came home and snuggled up in bed reminiscing about this day five years ago.  We love to relive these old moments, talking about the thoughts and emotions running through us at that time.  And who doesn't love going to sleep with happy thoughts??

Saturday we decided to engage in some fall fun.  It definitely didn't feel like fall at 90 degrees and sweating our butts off, but if you wait for fall weather to do fall things here in Florida, you'll be picking rotting pumpkins in December.  So off to the "farm" we went!!! We arrived and walked around to see what all they had going on.  There were so many various games, lots of food, a pumpkin patch, animals to pet, horse back rides, a hayride, corn maze, etc.

We hopped on the hayride and rode over to the corn maze.  This was the design for this year at Conner's A-Maize-Ing Acres

The maze wasn't too difficult and I think that's because the corn wasn't very high.  It was a little easy to just glance over the corn stalks and see what direction you needed to take and which was a dead end.  None the less, we had a lot of fun!  (Other than sweating off about 10 pounds).

Afterwards we headed over to the pumpkin patch and picked out our pumpkins.  We don't yet know what we'll be carving, which made choosing the right pumpkin a little difficult.  I just randomly picked a medium sized pumpkin and Nick chose a one a little bit larger.  I forgot take photos there so we snapped a quick photo before hopping in the car.

The rest of the evening was spent at home, unfortunately watching our Redbirds lose Game 1 of the NLCS to the Giants.
(clearly taken at the start of the game when I was still happy)

Sunday was just a productive day around the house.  We did laundry, cleaned and organized the dining room, did some work in the garage, pulled our fall decor out of the attic and I got a very small start on the fall decorating.  Unfortunately I leave tomorrow to go out of town for work so I won't be getting to do more decorating until next weekend.  But this shall do for now.  At least anyone who comes to the door will think we've got it together.  But if they come further than the entryway, they'll realize this is all I've done.

The evening ended with a walk because Yadi is fat (we've been saying this for a while, but the vet confirmed nicer terms.  But that's a post for another day) and we met the cutest little 7 month old German Shorthaired Pointer!!!  The woman saw our little pointer pack (we were walking with our neighbor and her Vizsla) and she came out.  We're definitely want to plan a puppy play date soon!

Now the evening is winding down as I'm fully packed for my trip, we just consumed a delicious dinner (that I didn't cook, which is a win), and we're currently watching our Cardinals.  They're winning 2-0 right now so let's hope we can keep this lead!


  1. That maze is huge! Reminds me of Harry Potter! haha

  2. What a fun weekend! I also read your engagement post, and WOW! How incredible! :)

  3. You two are so cute and sounds like a great way to celebrate. Love the checkerboard. I have my table done but that's it.

  4. Aw that's too sweet--I love that you two still celebrate---sweet, sweet, sweet! That corn maze looks so fun!!!

  5. Looks like that was a great weekend (sorry, a bit behind on commenting!). I'm going to do the corn maze with my niece and nephew this weekend!
