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Monday, September 22, 2014

An Ordinary Life Is an Extraordinary Life

Last night, I laid down and couldn't help but smile. I couldn't help but think, 'life is pretty damn good! 

A few months ago, Nick and I were talking about how great life is. 
We both have our dream jobs. We have two adorable dogs. We bought a gorgeous house on an amazing lot. We bought a brand new fancy SUV. We finally reached a point where we were in a financially comfortable state. We have amazing families and friends back home. We have friends here in Jacksonville that have become like family and we hang out with at least once a week. We have date nights once a week. 
We were talking about all these blessings and Nick says, "I honestly don't know how life could be any more perfect? I mean, we seriously have everything we've been dreaming about. We finally have two cars, we are homeowners, we have our dream dogs, I have my dream career and you're excelling in your dream job. We have a great marriage. We have great friends and a fun social life. I seriously don't know if we can go up from here. We've hit the major milestones by the age of 29." 

That statement scared me. Did we reach a high???? Was down the only way to go??

Of course not. 
"We do have one more milestone to hit. Having a baby."

But we weren't quite ready for that at the time. We wanted to wait until Nick completely the FRS and had a good idea of his deployment schedule. We were enjoying the DINK lifestyle. Enjoying all of the "us" time. 

So knowing that was out of the question because the time isn't right, made me a little sad. So we can't go up until a baby enters the world??? But what about this time between then??? Would life be a bore or mundane because we've reached a plateau?? I was a little nervous. 

And for no good reason. We're not in a stagnant state. Sure, nothing huge is happening. No milestone is being reached. But life is amazing. Everyday has been better than the last. We are loving life. Nick loves his career. Flying makes him so happy. He's been assigned to a new squadron and really loves it. My job, while stressful, brings me such joy. I feel so blessed that my passion in life has turned into a career. Not many are as lucky. My co-workers have become what I now call my "work sisters". We're slowly making this gorgeous house a home. We're enjoying discovering new bars, restaurants, and sights in Jax and the surrounding cities and states. We're continuing to learn more about each other, deepening our marriage, and sharing so many laughs. Nick is enjoying playing golf, soccer, poker, etc with his guys. I'm enjoying weekly wine nights with my girls. I'm lucky that two of my best friends here live in my neighborhood. And as if our weekly wine nights aren't enough, we enjoy multiple times a week dog walks and weekends spent having game nights or going out for dinner and drinks with our men. 

Milestones and extravagant events aren't occurring. But the little moments are. And those are the moments that keep me sane. Keep a smile on my face. They cause me to lay down at night, a smile on my face. 

Is my life perfect? HA! Far from it! My job stresses me out beyond belief. I'm away from home working more than I'm at home. My health and medical-related issues have me in tears at least once a week. My husband sometimes makes me want to stop peeling that potato and chuck it at his head. Sometimes my girls and I spend our dog walks venting about the dumb shit our husbands do and say. Sometimes I get so homesick for my family, best friend, and St Louis that I lay around my house and mope. 

But every life is full of it's imperfections. That's what makes you appreciate the blessings. Imperfections, hiccups, and struggles make us stronger; individually as well as in friendships and marriages. Do I like the stressful and frustrating moments? Hell no. But I overcome every one. They teach me lessons. They shed light on another area I should focus on. They keep me optimistic. They make me who I am and they aid in the amazing moments and unforgettable experiences. 

I am going to continue to live these insignificant and mundane days, smile on my face, and a heart so full; Not counting down and waiting until that next milestone. Because I'm enjoying the journey I'm on right now. No goal in sight. Other than to continue living this awe-inspiring life. One remarkable day at a time. Because those ordinary moments are made into extraordinary memories simply because of my every day experiences and all of those that are a part of it, near and far. 

I've always seen parts of life as destination. College graduation. Marriage. Homeownership. Career. Children. 
But I was so very wrong to see it that way. Life is a path we walk. There is no destination. It's one magical day along the path of happiness after another. I am, without a doubt, on that path. And I am so incredibly blessed. 

Life is good. Damn good! And each day, I start my day with a grateful heart. 


  1. Thank you for posting this. I needed to read it this morning for sure. I, like you, have always thought of life in those big milestones... and life feels pretty stagnant right now as we have finally reached all of the "obvious" ones and aren't ready to have a baby yet (while several people in our lives keep pressuring us). We are enjoying newlywed life, but it FEELS like something is missing because people keep asking us when we're going to have a baby and how we NEED one, etc... so in the meantime, I feel like I'm just waiting for THAT point in life, when in reality, it won't be for a while, so we need to slow down and just enjoy being a couple! So again, thanks for posting this right when you did! :)

  2. i really love this post!!!!!! sometimes i think of life in terms of the milestones, I'm really trying to teach myself that these in-betweens are really where it's at.

  3. I love your mindset! I think my life is very wonderful and fulfilling and I am single with no child. :)

  4. You are awesome for writing this! My husband and I are in the exact same place. We want a baby. BAD. But we keep having to remind ourselves that our life together is amazing and we should enjoy it and each other while we can.

  5. Good for you! I am glad life is treating you so well as of now. :)

  6. It is so important to stop and reflect and appreciate all you have at the moment. It is okay to be happy, and content with life as it is today. That doesn't mean you don't have struggles. I love that you are able to see all the good around you. Glad that you have that good around you too.

  7. I love this post. There is so much to love about ordinary life, but I don't stop and count my blessings nearly enough. I know, I know #blessed. But you know what I mean.
