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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Glucose Test: It Wasn't THAT Bad

The glucose test.  Oh, that dreaded glucose test.  Or so I thought.

Ever since I got pregnant, I'd been dreading the glucose test.  Every pregnant woman I know talked about how awful the test was.  More so, how disgusting the drink was.  "Ask for orange"  "Make sure it's cold" "Don't get fruit punch"  "Don't throw up, you'll have to do it again".

Honestly, it wasn't that bad.  I think this another case of "Pessimistic Pregnancy Penny"  (you know, like Debbie Downers, Negative Nancys, Jealous Jerrys, etc).  You know the kind I'm talking about.  The women who want to do nothing but bitch and complain about everything.  The ones who only share the awful moments.  The ones who hated pregnancy.  The ones who want to make sure you're just as miserable as they are.  The ones who want to scare you.  The ones...okay you get the point.

I go into my appointment and I'm nervous.  I'm expecting it to be awful.  I sat in the waiting room anticipating the gagging I'd be doing trying to drink the crazy sugary juice.

I'm called back, pee in a cup, get my weight, and am escorted to a room.  As I enter, I see the drink already sitting there.  "You need to drink this entire bottle in 5 minutes.  As soon as you finish, open the door so I know you're done and I'll mark the time.  We have to draw your blood exactly 60 minutes after you're finished.  You can take a sip or two of your water, but don't drink a lot.  If you have to throw up, you'll have to redo the test.  Got it?"  Yes ma'am.  Drink, open door, wait, don't drink or puke, wait, give blood.  Got it.

She hands me the drink and closes the door.
It's cold.  Thank goodness!  Obstacle one tackled.  Wait, what flavor is this?  LIME?!  Oh my gosh, I hate lime!  Oh no!  Why didn't they let me pick my flavor?  If the flavors I like are disgusting, how awful will a flavor I hate be?!  Melanie, just do it.  Open the bottle and drink the damn thing.  Just get it over with.

So I do.  And guess what?!  It wasn't bad!  At all!!!!  It really didn't taste that disgusting and it was pretty easy to drink it all in 5 minutes.  Honestly, it didn't taste all THAT sugary like I expected.  I definitely wouldn't have guessed that there was 50g of sugar in that 50mL bottle.

I got up, opened the door, and the nurse entered.  "Great!!!  It's 8:53 so I'll come back at 9:45 to take you to the lab.  Make yourself comfy.  Feel free to use the restroom if you need to."

I was okay for about 10 minutes.  Then it hit me.  I suddenly felt nauseous.  It was just far too much sugar for my little body.  My chest felt tight, my belly ached, and I wanted to throw it.  I was able to keep it all down, although, there were times I was certain I was going to throw up in the sink.  But after about 35 minutes of it in me, I didn't feel as bad.

When my hour was up, I had my blood drawn and that was that.

So for all of you out there that haven't yet taken this test, it's truly not THAT bad.  I was made to believe the worst part was actually having to drink the juice.  False.  That was easy.  So don't sweat it.  I am not good at chugging things, and I was able to easily get it all down in 5 minutes.  I even had a flavor I despise and it wasn't that bad.  The worst part truly was sitting there with that drink in me.  But if you're like me, you just have to endure 30 minutes of that gross feeling and it begins to fade.

Now my hope is that I don't fail it and have to take the 3-hour.  I took this test almost a week and a half ago, so I feel like if I had failed, they'd have let me know by now instead of making me wait until my next appointment.  At least, that's my hope!


  1. I never thought the glucose test was bad at all either! Glad your experience wasn't bad.

  2. I'm not exactly looking forward to this test, but I'm not dreading it either. I love lime, so I hope that's the flavor I get, haha.

  3. I'm not preggers but this is the one test that people have told me the same things you had heard. I'm glad to hear at least one person say it wasn't bad :)

  4. Glad it wasn't as bad as you thought. I would totally be afraid of falling asleep. I pass out from too much sugar.

  5. How have I not heard of this before?! I seriously had no idea this was a thing.
