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Sunday, December 22, 2013

FAIL: Doggie Christmas Photos

 I think it's safe to say that my dogs are nothing like their mother and they do not enjoy photos.  They're much more like their father, except he cooperates and smiles for them...sometimes.

I don't know about you all, but put my dogs in front of a camera and they don't listen.  Taking photos of them is harder than trying to lick your own elbow (did you just try??)  
Actually, I take that back.  Yadi is perfect (95% of the time) when it comes to photos.  Grab a treat and she'll sit, stay, and hold your eye contact for as long as you want.  And sometimes, she'll even give you a wink!

Vino, on the other hand, turns into an antsy asshole.  Camera comes out and all commands go to the wind.  Ask her to sit and she'll sit, but the instant her butt touches the ground, she's back up.  Ask her to lay down and she'll do it, but in a Sphinx position, which is far from cute.  She won't put herself into a relaxed "down" position.
And for some reason, Nick thought bringing the bathmat out (which they LOVE to lay on and we never allow it) would be a great idea.  Not only did it not work, but it made the photos look even worse.  

Vino finally got fed up with us and just turned into a dead reindeer and Yadi followed suit.  She refused to stand up or sit up.  Thanks for nothing, assclown.

We nixed the dogs by themselves because we were getting pretty frustrated.
We thought, "Why don't we each take a dog and get photos that way."
Another bad idea.  
You put a headband on Yadi, in this case reindeer antlers, and she looks like an idiot.  Ears go straight back against her head and she thins her face out so badly. Her face/head strongly resemble a greyhound.  And I'm sorry if you like or own one, this is just my personal opinion, but those dogs are not cute.  So I'm not too fond of these Yadi/Nick pictures.

I thought photos with Vino would be easier.  Just sit on the ground and she's all about being in your lap.  I forgot to take into account that she hates when you FORCE her to do anything, so of course, she put herself into that stupid Sphinx position.  All of them.  Awful.  Not that I'm not a gem in all of their either lol

Then she went into her "I love you so much I just want to eat your face" phase.  
Not cute.

We managed to get one decent photo, but like always, Vino looks beyond pissed off.  She has a very stoic look to her, which bothers me, because if you've met her, then you know she's the sweetest, most loving dog there is.  Seriously, everyone who meets her wants to steal her.  Or they leave wanting a Vizsla.

We really failed this year.  When we could get both of them to lay down, neither would look.  The tile was more interesting.
I think they knew our plan was to wrap this around them so they didn't want to cooperate.

But then we called it quits because when Yadi is finished behaving, there's no more hope.
Yadi says "I'm done bizznatches!"

1 comment:

  1. Bahahhaahah! I give you an A for effort!!! I do the ol' jiggle a box of treats above my head to perk JCs ears up and make him look at mama. Tricks of the trade, my friend... tricks of the trade! :)
