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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gifts for You, Gifts For Me, Gifts All Around! {a weekend recap}

I had been looking forward to this weekend for weeks.  My anticipation had nothing to do with any plans we had made.  In fact, it was just the opposite.  It was the first weekend after my events were all over; the first weekend after busy season for my job.  It was the first weekend with no real plans.  A weekend of relaxation.

How quickly that changed.

Little did I know, The Players Championship was this weekend.  The men in my family, which includes my uncles, Nick, and his family, are all really info golf.  I'll be honest, it's not my thing.  It's slow.  It's boring.  I don't know anything about it or anyone who plays, other than Phil Mickelson.  But I've decided to attempt to take an interest in the sport for Nick's sake.  I'd love to get to a point where I can play 9 holes with him.  I think the reason I'm not a golf fan is because it requires a ridiculous amount of skill and intelligence.  I do not have the patience to take the time to really think about my drive or putt.  Even if I did, I can't get the damn ball to go where I want.  I'm a naturally athletic person.  You throw me into a sports game, and I can play...well.  Except golf.  I cannot hit that damn ball for the life of me.  Put me in a softball game, throw a ball at me fast; add a curve to it; make it a change up.  Doesn't matter, I'll connect with it.  But you put a stationary ball on the ground and you're lucky if I can hit any direction.  And it frustrates the crap out of me!!!  Call me immature, but in all honesty, one of the reasons I don't like golf is because I downright suck at it.  But I'm going to take more of an interest.  We had plans to spend all weekend at TPC Sawgrass for The Players Championship, which is a pretty huge golf tournament.

Thankfully, I woke up Friday knowing I got out of golf for the day because Nick was working that evening.  Actually, Friday started out really, really great!  I woke up and took a shower.  When I stepped out of the shower, I saw this on the counter.
I grabbed it and opened the bathroom door to find my husband awake and smiling at me as I walked out with the gift.  His ninja ass somehow came into the bathroom and set this gift on the counter, without my knowing.  (Of course my paranoid self is now worried that someone could into the bathroom without my knowing, even though it's a glass shower.  So naturally I assume someone will now attack me and I won't see them coming or be prepared.  Because, you know, if I did see the open the door I'd be fully prepared for an ambush.)
For those unaware, Friday was Military Spouse Appreciation Day.  For the past few years, Nick has always gotten me a card and a small gift to say thank you.  I'm lucky in that I have a husband who always shows me his appreciation, but it's always nice to be reminded.  Do I expect anything on this day?  No.  I willingly made the decision to marry a man in the military.  I knew some of what I was getting into but I didn't know just how difficult some things would be.  The main one being away from family.  Nicholas knows how hard this is for me so it's nice that he makes an effort to let me know he recognizes it's difficult, but that he's happy I chose to marry him, knowing it meant the sacrifice of being away from family.
Sadly the day didn't end so well seeing as our brand new 2014 Pathfinder had to be towed to the dealership and I had to leave work early to bring them my key.  We're pretty certain it's an issue with the keys, which should be a simple fix, but it's still frustrating.  {When you shut off the car, the seat moves back and the steering wheels up to allow better exit from the SUV.  When you start the car, the seat and steering wheel will move back into position.  I noticed last week that when I started it, it did not do this and my radio stations were messed up.  I assumed maybe it was confusing my key with Nick's (it adjust so to each of personal settings).  But apparently this was an issue and on Friday, it would start but shut off quickly after.)  Now we're driving a loaner car which is this giant ass gas guzzling Armada.  Needless to say, this beast will be sitting in the driveway all weekend.

Friday night, once Nick got home from work, he was surprised with a little "thank you" gift from me.  It was small but I wanted to do something to let him know just how much I appreciate how supportive he's been with my job.  Then it was lots of cuddles and clearing off of the DVR until we passed out.

Saturday I got to sleep in.  I repeat, I got to sleep in!  And sleep in I did!  Until 11am!!  And it was glorious!!!!!  I woke up still feeling exhausted but it was nice to not have anything to do and to get a full night's rest.  Upon waking, we lounged around for a bit and then headed The Players Championship.

We had to leave the Championship before it was over for the day because I had agreed to help a co-worker out and speak at her event.  We headed there, I got up, winged it as I always do, hung out for a bit, and then headed home for more cuddling and DVR-clearing.

Sunday was Mommy's Day and I woke up to a beautiful flower arrangement and two cards from my pups.  They picked out some pretty fitting cards and even got me gift cards to my favorite places!!!  They must have heard my wish of a day of relaxation and told Nick because he decided to forego The Players Championship and we just lounged around at home.  I did some reading, some blogging, some free lance work, and some puppy snuggling.  It was perfect!

Sadly my FaceTime wouldn't work so I didn't get to see my Mommy but we talked on the phone while she opened her gift..and cried when she did so.  But I wouldn't expect anything less from her. (I revealed her gift yesterday).

And now it's Sunday evening (look at me, blogging in advance and scheduling posts!) and we're watching golf while Nick cooks us a delicious dinner consisting of his homemade fries, per my request :)

 Did you all have a fun a weekend??

I also wanted to give a "Happy Belated Military Spouse Appreciation Day" to all my fellow ladies out there!  Honestly, when I hear about this day, I don't think about my husband showing me appreciation as much as I'm reminded how much I appreciate all the amazing women who've been there for me to offer advice from moving, to house hunting, to learning our new cities, etc.  They're there for ladies nights full of wine and laughs and they make being away from family actually enjoyable!  Some of these woman have become best friends and second family to me and I am so grateful to have them, even if we are all scattered all over the country.  I love you and appreciate you all!!!


  1. I love that your pups got your presents for mother's day. I think mine was mad because I worked all day and we didn't get our usual Sunday cuddles.

  2. Those fries look DELICIOUS!!! I love that the dogs each got you something. JC didn't get me SHIT. He's grounded.

  3. Gifts galore certainly make for a great weekend in my book!!! That's so crazy about your car's wonky issues - hopefully you're able to get it resolved soon. And dude, those fries?! #yum

  4. You two are so cute, I love how supportive you are of each other. Seamus didn't get me anything besides his love, kisses and smelly farts. I got jiped! Those fries look amazing!

  5. You dogs did good with the flowers and gift cards! haha and I am so sorry about your car but hopefully it can be fixed easy!

    Love Always,

  6. How super sweet of him to give you a gift while in the shower I'm paranoid to don't even worry lol
