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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Yadi's 3rd Birthday Celebration

I promise this isn't going to turn into a dog blog.  Although I wouldn't hate it if it did.  If I'm being honest, I could write a dog post weekly.  Granted, 95% of them would be about Yadi.  Don't get me wrong, I love Vino.  But the problem is that she's just too sweet, too calm, and too perfect.  Yadi, on the other hand, has more personality than any dog or human I've ever met.  She didn't get the nicknames "Mouth of the South" and "Wildcard" for no reason.  She's a great dog, but has a lot of energy and sass and is pretty high maintenance due to her energy.  She has so many weird quirks and she is always keeping us entertained.

This past week we celebrated this crazy asses 3rd Birthday.  A lot of dog parents look forward to this milestone of a birthday because their dog finally begins to calm the eff down.  Not Yadi.  She is true to her breed and has just as much energy as she did the day we brought her home at 11 weeks old; the only difference is that she weighs 75 pounds more, goes potty outside, and no longer eats her own shit.

Because my dogs are my children, we celebrate their birthdays in this house.  I was way too busy with work to bake a doggie cake or pupcakes as I have done in the past, but she did get presents.  And she lots of outside time to enjoy some of them.
(She is incredibly focused on the treat Nick is holding)

I wanted a photo of me with the birthday girl, but of course I couldn't keep her sitting too long because the food in Nick's hand was much more interesting

Go home, Yadi, you're drunk.

If below isn't the definition of derp, I don't know what is

She finally got fed up and swatted the hat off.  Game over.

Following photos she finally got her presents.

Her first gift, we quickly discovered, is much more a gift for us.  We got the Kong Wobbler (and of course we got two to be fair).  This thing is amazing!  It keeps the girls entertained for so long!  The base is filled with sand so it always stays upright, but they have to knock it around to get the treats out.  They loved it!  Although, Vino got wise and started following Yadi around and just ate the treats.  She's smart...letting Yadi do all the work yet still reaping the benefits of said hard work.

Her other gifts were frisbees.  She is obsessed with balls and is really good at maneuvering her body to catch them.  She hasn't quite got the hang of frisbees.  She's not sure of they ways the move and she doesn't jump too often for them.  I want her to learn to jump high in the air for them.  So we got her some new frisbees and took her out in the field in our backyard to play.
{Brace yourself for Weim Overload}

Have you ever seen a dog look so happy?  I'd say she enjoyed her third birthday.

Where was Vino?  Running...what she loves more than anything in the world.  She couldn't care less about toys.  She just loves to be outside and running around in her ninja ways, chasing birds and other wildlife.

Do you celebrate your dog's birthday?  If so, how?


  1. I celebrate my pups birthday with tots and sometimes a cake. The faces Yadi makes is too cute! Glad they got to run off some of that energy!

  2. Bahahahahaha... I seriously LOVE her facial expressions!!!

  3. Adorable!!! I'm a new follower that LOVES my Weim & my Yadi (Molina, go Cards!). Happy Birthday, pup!!

  4. Those pictures are so freaking cute, not to mention the ones with the funny faces and floppy ears had me laughing. Happy birthday to Yadi! Both your pups are way too cute :D That kong wobbler looks really neat! I might have to look into getting one of those.

  5. Your dog pictures are seriously the best. We celebrate Piston's birthday every year. He is 4 years old and still acts like a puppy more often than not. Happy birthday to your sweet girl

  6. I have dog fever so bad!!! I love the pictures of the birthday hat! I seriously count stop laughing! So funny!

    Love Always,

  7. OMG, her face!!! She is so funny, and this is pure awesome. Your dogs look like a riot.
