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Friday, April 25, 2014

Cancer Pride and a "Passion For Life" {MIZZOU Magazine feature}

If you've been following my blog long enough or know me in real life, then you know I love to share my story about my journey with cancer.  I chronicle my struggles, in detail, in the hopes of touching someone else.  When I went through everything, I had no one to talk to; no one that could relate to me.  It's not often that a 21 year old gets cancer.  Since writing my stories here, I've connected with so many other individuals that have found comfort in knowing they aren't alone.  I've even connected with others who don't have cancer, but another disease or illness that has similar characteristics or provokes the same thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  It's a unique community.  It's my way of taking something awful, finding the positives, and moving forward.  This community, a community of cancer patients and survivors, is something I sometimes hate having to be a part of, but at the same time, I'm proud to be a member.

When I was approached about doing an interview about my cancer journey and my job, I was more than willing to do so; because of how proud I am.  I'm not one who is high on the self-esteem charts, but when it comes to my battle with cancer, how I've handled it, and moved forward, I am damn proud.
I also wanted to say yes because I am proud to be a cancer survivor, but in addition to that I wanted to say yes because it was MIZZOU Magazine and I'm damn proud to be a Tiger. I receive this magazine in the mail and check the website and never once thought I would be cool enough to be featured. It's a huge school with thousands and thousands and thousands of alumni and they choose me to feature. That's pretty damn awesome. 

MIZZOU Magazine, for those of you unfortunate souls who did not attend Mizzou (kidding, kidding.....sorry of.  Okay, no, not really) is our alumni magazine.  I was approached by a writer asking if I'd be willing to interview for a web-based story for their website.  Relay For Life of Mizzou is this weekend and they thought my story of how I came full circle would be a a great one to feature.
For those that don't know this story, here is condensed version:
I began Relaying in 2004 as a freshman at Mizzou.  I didn't know what Relay was, but my co-workers were doing it so I joined.  I also hadn't been truly touched by cancer so I didn't have a personal connection but still believed in the cause.
Fast forward to my third year of college and I was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma.  My friends and family created Melzie's Warriors and walked in my honor that year.
The following years I continued to participate in Relay For Life of Mizzou, volunteering on the committee to plan the event as well as being Team Captain for Melzie's Warriors.
In 2012, I was living in Florida and my husband and I only participated in the Survivor and Caregiver Lap and spent a few hours walking the track.  We just didn't know enough people to get a team together.
In October 2013, we moved to Jacksonville, FL where I found a position working with the American Cancer Society.  I applied, interviewed, and was hired as Relay For Life Specialist, working with four committees to organize and execute four Relay For Life events in two counties here.  

Enough blabbering, I'm really just here to show you the article :)  Click HERE for the article!!!

If you want more information about Relay For Life or how to get involved in your area, don't hesitate to contact me!!!!


  1. How AWESOME girl! I got goosebumps!!! SO exciting for you! :D

  2. how awesome!!! so excited for you and congrats on being featured :)

    Vodka and Soda

  3. Yay, you're famous!

    We're Mizzou fans, however I'm a SEMO alum as my Dad did request that we didn't go to Mizzou because he's an alum of Rolla and back in his days Mizzou was one of their rivals. But we all still cheer for the Tigers :)
