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Friday, May 2, 2014

How to Entertain Your Dog for 30+ Minutes (with Zero Effort from You!)

Do you ever get this look from your dog?  You know, the one that screams "entertain me or I will kill you in your sleep."

Do you wish your dogs could look like this with zero effort from you?

It happens daily. You get "the look" when you're watching the Cardinals (or another not as exciting sports team) Or when you're watching a movie, trying to nap, folding laundry, reading a book, typing a blog post, etc.  If you're a dog owner, you've seen the look. The "pay attention to me, you whore" look. In my household, this "play with me or die" look is usually accompanied by some sassy talk from my Weim and groans and whines from my Vizsla.

We get this look a lot. (It's what we get for bringing two of the most energetic breeds into our family.) We just wish they could find ways to entertain themselves. {Hashtag lazy dog parents}.

We've given them bones covered in gross nom noms. But they last maybe 10 minutes before they're over it. It worked in the beginning but bones are old news to them.
We've tried frozen peanut butter in Kongs. Somehow they manage to get it out in 5 minutes.

We have found the solution!!!!!  Let me introduce to you, the Kong Wobbler.
Via PetSmart 

This.Is.Amazing!  I know when I asked if you wanted to entertain your dog with zero effort from you, you thought "impossible", but it's not!   See for yourself:

I highly recommend you head to your nearest PetSmart (or if you're cheap like me, order from Amazon and wait two days) and buy one. We bought two, to be fair. Because sometimes we're good parents.
It took the girls about 10 minutes to figure it out.
And it took Vino an additional 3 minutes to realize Yadi could do all the work and she could help her eat the food. Smart girl!!!!

Our dogs find almost anything a treat. So I bought a cheap ass bag of dog food from Walmart. Since it's different from their normal food, they love it!! I also plan to use Cheerios if I run out of dog food.

Anyway, enough talking. Get out and buy one. Then sit back and do whatever the hell you want because your dog doesn't need you anymore!!!

You can thank me later.

(Being 100% honest, we were just as entertained as they were with their first go around so allow some time to watch your dog figure it out.)

{Also, did you note Yadi's frustration? When it gets low and she can't get the last few pieces out, she gets hilariously frustrated by throwing it all over the place lol.}


  1. Bahahaha... your dogs have the best facial expressions EVER, I swear!!!!

  2. Oh gosh, I can't imagine my dogs with those things. They would be hilarious.

  3. Hahaha we get that look from Jenny on the regular! We actually have a Kong wobbler and used to feed her out of it! They are so entertained!


    1. Chelsea, I was worried about giving mine too many snacks with it - but feeding him with it is such a great idea! Thanks girl!

  4. I can't wait to check this out with my Weim :) Thanks for the head's up!

  5. This is actually brilliant for our lab, he inhales his food and we've heard it is unhealthy for him to eat that fast.. so if we did something like this he couldn't just gobble it down in seconds!

  6. I was nodding yes the whole time!! Seamus is little but the sheepdog part of him want to run! So if he doesn't get out he maws on his paws. This looks perfect for keeping them entertained!

  7. This is great. My bigger dog looks at me like that on the reg.

    We have done the peanut butter too, but it always gone in like 5 minutes!
