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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Third Year Anniversary Photo

Nicholas and I celebrated our anniversary a month ago and I've yet to share our anniversary photo with everyone!  Each year, we take a photo with the photo from the year before (thanks Pinterest!).  It's a tradition we love and although I don't see any changes in our appearances, I'm sure we'll see some in a few years.

Choosing a location is always something we probably spend far too much time discussing.  Last year, we chose to take the photo on base, with the helicopter Nick was trainng on in the background.  That helicopter was a symbol of the reason we were in Milton, Florida, where we spent our second year of marriage.

This year was actually a pretty easy location decision.  We purchased our very first home in our third year of marriage, something we're incredibly proud of, so it only made sense to take a photo in front of it.  Sadly, it was hard to do, even with a tripod.  We had to stand in the street to get a closer up shot of us, with the house smaller in the background to get it in the photo.  The main problem is the incline of the street had us standing up a little higher than we'd have liked to get a shot of the house.  But it is what it is.  We might try to retake the photo, if we feel like it....which we probably won't.   Here are the only decent shots we got from the 10 we took:
(The house has been distorted and uglified (made up word) simply because I don't need internet stalkers being able to find me and kill me.  Our house is pretty cookie cutter so this should be good enough to not give anyone super obvious knowledge of where we live.)

If you're a newlywed, I highly encourage you to start this little tradition!!  We love taking these photos and displaying them in our house :)


  1. Such a great tradition. I think the last one is my favorite. You get a lot of the house, you are both smiling and no wind issues.

  2. Love these photos. The last one is my favorite. :)

  3. What a cute idea! I almost got confused looking at the picture with a picture with a picture!! Love it.

  4. I love this idea, and we definitely plan on doing it! :) Thanks for sharing your photos! :)

  5. I love this, and I so wish Pinterest had been a thing when I first got married!

  6. Oh my goodness... what a CUTE CUTE idea! I love this :) And yes, THANK YOU, PINTEREST! Congratulations on the purchase of your home! My bf and I are saving up for one, too. Fingers crossed!

  7. I love this!! I wish I knew about it 3 years ago, haha!
