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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pregnancy Update: Week 26

How far along?  26 weeks

Baby size?  Baby Obie is the size of a head of lettuce; between 13.6-14.8 inches long and around 2.5 pounds.

Baby progress?  His eyes are formed and are starting to open.  This means he might be more responsive to light and even kick in reaction to his detection of it.   His eye lashes are fully grown as well so they can protect his eyes once they open.  He's stealing my antibodies to prepare his immune system for life on the outside.  He's still breathing so he can be a pro when he makes his debut (breathing amniotic fluid, not air).  He's still busy packing on the fat (just like his mama lol).  Most of his systems and functions are now intact, and most of his development now is revolved around growing in height and weight.  His brain is still growing and over 50% of his energy is used for this.  

Weight gain?  Going off my home scale, I'd say I've been off the past few weeks and I've gained between 15-20 pounds maybe??  But we shall see at my doctor's appointment.  

Stretch marks?  None, thank goodness!!!

Sleep?  I sleep great Friday and Saturday night.  But the other nights?  Nope.  All anxiety due to my job.  Thankfully I'm not really tired or wanting a nap during the day.  I actually very rarely feel tired.  I'm sure that will end as I get into my third trimester though.  

Symptoms?  A few new ones such as loss of appetite, some light spotting, and pains in my belly when I get up from sitting or laying down.  The pain could be round ligament pain, but it's new in the belly.  Until now, my only pain has been in my back and tailbone.  But it makes sense that I'm going to start getting more uncomfortable as I get bigger.  

Belly Button In or Out?  It's still very in, but I can tell it's getting shallower :(

Cravings?   Nothing.  Nothing at all.  Sometimes wings, but I wouldn't say it's a craving.  I actually don't feel hungry most of the time.  I eat, because I know I need to but I just eat whatever Nick makes or whatever anyone else is having or the quickest and easiest thing I can make.  

Movement?  Oh yes.  Below is swift Punch-Kick.  This is common now.  But it still doesn't hurt.  Thank goodness!

A video posted by Melanie (@melzie21) on

Workouts & Activity?    Still the same.  I did do some things that required more energy and I did well!!!!  My heart goes crazy but I've learned to deal with it.  

How are you feeling?  Stressed, anxious, and nervous.  I'm stressed and anxious over my job, which in turn makes me nervous of how I'm affecting Baby Obie.  I'm also stressing because work has me so busy that I don't have much time to do anything else.  And there's still so much to do around the house.  We still haven't even begun on his nursery!!!!  Ahhhhhh

Best moment this week?  Feeling like I can be a little more active and not pass out.  Not much, but I've been able to do quite a bit this week without needing my usual break every 5 minutes.  It was refreshing and made me feel human again!!!

Worst moment this week?   Finally sitting down to talk about a name and getting no closer.  We have a list of names we like, but there's nothing we love.  As of now, I'm convinced he's going to be born without a name.  I wish we had family names to carry on but we don't (and no, we don't want a junior.)

What do you miss? Working out.  So so so much!!!  I just want to get out and hit the pavement or do some hardcore ab work!

Things that suck?   Being hungry for something but knowing you can't eat it because your acid reflux is out of control.  Mainly, wings.  I'm really wanting boneless wings more lately and I have to refrain or feel like death.  

Things that don't suck?  Just feeling this boy move.  It's an amazing feeling and reminds me, even on my crappiest days, that I have created a life!  It's seriously the best feeling ever!

Looking forward to?  Seeing our little man!!!!!!!!  This next weekend we get to see him again and it's the 3D and 4D ultrasound!!!!  OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!



  1. Melanie, you are SO CUTE! I love your little belly.

  2. Congrats on catching up with these updates! You look great! :)

  3. Keeping up with these is HARD and you are doing great! They get hard because you feel like you're saying the same thing every week but we love reading them. Promise.

    No name?! DLW and I had/have an extensive list of boy names but Collins was our only girl name. If we have another girl we will be in the same boat. We had decided on Collins years ago but when I found out she was a girl, I wasn't 100% sold. Even like a month after she was born I would think to myself, "did I really name her Collins?" Now it's perfect for her and we actually call her Collie Kate most days. You will find the perfect name or maybe it will just come to you when you see his face.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Look at you mama! Enjoy your time seeing your baby this weekend :)

  5. My Mom refused to have me until she came up with a name, once she and my Dad decided I was born just 2 days later. Just let it come to you.

  6. Don't stress about a name! You've got time still! You look great by the way. And I love this color on you too!

  7. Boy names really ARE the hardest I feel like. But I wouldn't stress about it... when you see him, I bet something will come to you! :)
