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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Date Night: Change of Command Dinner

This weekend, I actually got dressed up and left the house!  It's not too often anymore that we have date nights anymore.  By the time the weekend rolls around, I'm completely and utterly exhausted.  I'm uncomfortable, in pain, and can't fit into anything I find myself attractive in.

But this weekend, Nick's squadron had a Change of Command dinner.  (Change of Command simply means that his Commanding Officer, (called the CO or Skipper) the most superior service member in his command, is leaving and the Executive Officer (called the XO) is stepping up as the CO.)  I will be honest and say that initially, I had proclaimed I was going to sit this event out.  I'm feeling less than attractive and didn't feel like finding anything to wear.  You see, this event is formal.  Nicholas was to wear his nicest uniform, (those sexy choker whites he wore in our wedding) and the women were to be in formal gowns.
A 35 week pregnant Melanie in a formal gown?  No way.  Where would I even find a gown to fit into?!  Thankfully, I am not the only spouse who is this pregnant.  There are actually many pregnant women, and two are due within two weeks of me.  One of them said she was just going to wear a simple black, cotton maxi dress.  I was turned off by the idea because, well because I knew I'd feel self-conscious.  How can I possibly go to a formal event in a cotton maxi dress from Target?
In the end, after searching every store, I gave into the maxi dress.  I didn't want Nick to go to the event alone, he really wanted me with him, and our opportunities for nights out are limited.   I opted to buy some cute jewelry and hope that made the dress look a little nicer than it was.

So that evening, (after getting my hair done...and then redone...and then redone, and then finally saying "It's fine" and leaving because I had no more time to ask her to completely redo it for the fourth time, I left.  Seriously, it was a simple updo!!!  It should not have went down that way.  And if she would face me towards the mirror as I asked, I could have stopped her or let her know long before she was done that she was way off on what wanted.  "All loosely pulled back, loose curls" to her meant "pulled back tightly so I look bald with loose curls".   The second time it meant "pulled back tightly into a tight bun" and the third time meant "pulled back slightly loose, slightly tight, in a tight bun."  Chick needs a new job).
As I was saying.....that evening, after getting my hair done, I went home and finished getting ready.  I put on the dress and felt so incredibly self-conscious.  Not only because I now had ugly hair, but because I'm on the arm of dashingly handsome man in his nicest uniform as I'm wearing a $27 back cotton maxi dress from Target.  But what could I do at this point??  We were leaving the house in 15 minutes.  Despite not liking how I looked, I did take a couple (and I seriously mean two) photos before leaving the house.  While I didn't like how I looked, I do like having these moments and memories preserved.
(Do you see that hair on the side?  What is that?!  Why is that not curled?!  I had to take care of it and pin it back before we left.)

And off to the dinner we went!  The cocktail hour was on the gorgeous grounds of an old mansion.  It seriously some breathtaking views even though these photos do it no justice.  Had I not been so self-conscious, I probably would have snapped my own photos but instead, I had to steal these from Nick's phone.

Thankfully, everyone complimented how I looked (they were probably being nice because that's what you do to pregnant women) and I felt a little more at ease.  After the cocktail hour, we went inside for the dinner, which was delicious and entertaining.   The wardroom (which refers to all the officers within the squadron) made various videos and entertainment remembering the CO's time within the squadron.  He then spoke for a while, thanking them all and talking about his time within the squadron, was presented with a gift, and then there was cake (which this preggo had been eyeing all night long!)

By the end of the dinner, I was exhausted, my feet were swollen, and I was ready for my bed!  I sound so old, but it's the truth.  While everyone else opted to go out to the bars, we opted to head home and snuggle up in bed.  And I have no shame in that decision!

I was so thankful for a night out.  I love an excuse to get dressed up, although I wish I could have actually dressed up and felt more confident.  But I will never deny an event where I get to see my husband in his chokers (it always reminds me of our wedding) or where he gets to wear a suit.  I know some other wives might be rolling their eyes at the event we attended, but I truly love Nick's wardroom.  They are the most down to earth and fun group of guys and their wives are just as awesome.  I love going to any event they have (we have a Derby party this weekend) because it's always full of tons of laughs.  We are truly lucky to be a part of this squadron and be a part of this tight-knit community.

Now here's to hoping the next formal event we attend is post-baby when I can fit into a real formal gown and feel confident on the arm of my husband.

Military wives, do you enjoy these type of functions?  Are you fortunate enough to enjoy your squadron/unit/command/etc?
Have you ever had to attend an event feeling so far from attractive or confident in how you look?


  1. Um ok I know you were feeling insecure but seriously you look fantastic!! The one of the two of you outside is really great. The light and the background... frame it!!!!!! And I want to punch your hairstylist. She should not have had such a hard time!! But I still think your hair looks great :)

  2. No way is that a maxi dress from Target! You look great! I would have never known if you didn't tell me!

  3. Honestly I think you look gorgeous--so classic--you'd never know that dress was from Target if you hadn't said it was! As someone who struggles with some insecurities as far as military events go, I'm so glad that you didn't let things not going as planned deter you from having a fantastic evening with your husband! :)

  4. I don't know what you're talking about, you look smokin! I would have never guessed you're wearing a $27 dress. I hope I look that good when I'm pregnant!

  5. You look amazing and I never would have guessed it was a Target dress!
