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Monday, April 27, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

How far along?  33 Weeks

Baby size?  A Savoy Cabbage.  Since we were at the doctor this week, we know this little nugget now weighs 4 pounds and 12 ounces!  Crazy that he's so big now!!! My little niece was about that size when she was born!!  There's no way to know how long he is, but at this point, they estimate 17-19 inches long. 

Baby progress?   His little immune system is growing stronger by the day!  He's no longer relying on the antibodies from the placenta, but using his own self-immunity!  As are his brain, lungs, and central nervous system, and his digestive system is full working on its own now.  He's also peeing up to a pint a day!  Peeing machine!!!! He's also making his first poop (lucky us).   Apparently this week his testicles are starting to making their way down from his abdomen to their final destination of his scrotum (I totally thought they were already there!).  That hair that covered his body should be almost gone by now.  

Weight gain?   Around 30, I'm not too sure the actual number.

Belly Button?  It's still barely in, almost flush with my body.  I'm just hoping it stays in!!!  

Wedding Rings?  On for the most part, there are some days where I wake up with swollen hands.  If they haven't gone down by the time I leave for work, I just don't wear them.  But that has only happened three times maybe.  

Sleep?  The Snoogle is helping me to sleep a lot better.  Not fantastic, but much better than I was!!!  It's just a struggle finding what position is more comfortable in that moment.  Sometimes I face with the long end towards my front, supporting my belly, and other times, I like the long end against my back.  I know sleeping with the bottom portion up between my legs is really good for my hips, but I just cannot stand the feeling of something between my legs, so I'm slowing trying to adjust to it.  The crappy part is this pillow definitely prevents and husband cuddling lol.  

Symptoms?  Same ol', same ol'

Horrible acid reflux, intense back (upper and lower) pain, sciatic pain, tailbone pain, bleeding gums, aching feet.  The usual these days.

Cravings?  None!

Movement?  Still pretty frequently.  It is slowing down some, which is normal as he's running out of room.  He still has room to move (and turn from his current head down position) due to my excess amniotic fluid, but he seems to prefer head down as the last 7 doctor visits, he's been head down for all but one.  
He gets the hiccups all the time now.  I just love it. When he has them, he's still other than the hiccups so it's a nice change from his normal strong movements.  He usually gets the morning and night and occasionally throughout the day.  And they're good for him because they're helping to strengthen his lungs!

Workouts & Activity?  Nope.  I'm on bedrest now, so no activity at all other than walking to the bathroom or kitchen (which is driving me INSANE!).  Good thing black is slimming, huh?  (or so they say???)

How are you feeling?   Annoyed.  I know I need to take it easy but I'm completely over bedrest and it hasn't even been that long.  I am just not the type to sit still.  And when you tell me I have to, it makes me want to get up and move around that much more!
But other than that, I feel good!  (minus the aches and pains)

Best moment this week?   These pictures :)  We went to the doctor and they had to do an ultrasound to check on my cervix and she was so nice and turned on the 3D (free of charge) and his hands weren't in his face!!!!  He was actually sleeping and resting his head on his hands.  We've never seen him calm and still so this was a change.  And we were so happy to get to see his face for such a long period of time.  As you can see though, that hand began to slowly creep up.  I will not be shocked if once he's born he does not look being swaddled with his hands inside, but instead, prefers to sleep with his hand, up near his face.  

Worst moment this week?  Being put on bedrest :(  
And shopping.  It's becoming annoying.  I am still a size small because, other than my belly, I've kept my small frame.  But my boobs certainly are not fitting in a size small, as this maxi dress is proving to be quite revealing :/  

What do you miss?   Where do I start?  Beer, wine, laying on my stomach, sleeping, using my abdominal muscles, lifting, just general maneuvering of my body.  

Things that suck?  My belly being contracted so much.  Because of it's size, when it's contracted, it's hard to do much of anything.  Even simply slightly rotating my body to check my blind spots when driving is difficult when this belly is hard as a rock.  It gets me pretty frustrated a lot of the time.  
I also hate how quickly my nails grow!!!  I paint them and within three days, they've grown so much and look awful!

Things that don't suck?   Finally making some noticeable progress on the nursery!!!!  Three walls are painted, only one to go!  Furniture is setup!  All that's left is that one wall, the custom-built closet, and decorating!!!  (As you can see below, I rested in the glider while Nick worked.  God love that man!)

Looking forward to?   Getting off bedrest and having someone to talk to other than my dogs or be on the phone all day.  I cannot wait to get back to the office (as crazy as it is right now) and have human interaction all day long.  
And getting to put all this adorable baby gear to use!!!  I love seeing it sitting around the house, but I just want him to be here to use it all!  

I mean, just look at the onesie!  We hit up the NEX for their giant baby sale and we couldn't resist buying him one so he can dress just like this daddy.  If you know Nick, you know that he if he's wearing a plain colored t-shirt or a golf polo, it's an Under Armour HeatGear shirt (and blue with lime green, as seen above) are Nick's favorite color combos.  So of course, this itty bitty UA HeatGear onesie was a must!

If you missed any of the other weekly updates, you can click HERE to see them all!


  1. Yay! I love reading your updates to see where I'l be in a couple months, haha! :) Your boy is getting so big... I bet you are stoked and can't wait to hold him on the outside!! :)

  2. Is it weird I want that pillow for my non-pregnant self? You look wonderful! And I actually googled Savoy Cabbage--where do they come up with this stuff?!

  3. awww you look great!!! i'm sorry you are still experiencing crappy effects and bed rest but you're cooking a baby so yay :)

  4. I love little man clothes - maybe its because I have had all nieces up until this past year so all I'm buying is girl stuff.

  5. HAHAHA THE BOOB PIC. Anyways, what's up with all these weird veggies they compare children to? hahaha

  6. That pillow does not look good for snuggling but I am sure it helps with the sleeping. As much as i think I would love bedrest so I could read all day I think I would get bored too. Hang in there!
