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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My New Job: SAHM

I'm sure a few people have caught on to the fact that Jaxon is past 12 weeks of age and I'm not back at work.  I keep getting asked the question, "When do you go back to work?"

I have made the decision to resign.  It honestly was not a hard decision to make.
(Although it is hard to admit.  Why?  Because so many people have an opinion this subject.)

I plan to write a separate post on why this decision was made (like 45 other posts, it's half written in my drafts folder).  It was a combination of what Nick and I thought was best for Jaxon and the actual job itself.  Neither one was right for me or for us.  But more on that later.

Let me tell you, adjusting to life with a newborn is HARD!
Did you know they don't have schedules?  Even trying to get into a routine is difficult.  (Schedule runs by specific time whereas a routine is not time specific, but more so the same activities/tasks in the same order).
Just when you think you've got them figured out, they go and decide to change things up.  Today he love my playmat. Tomorrow he'll hate it.  And Friday he'll love it again.  For three weeks he's sleeping 9 hours through the night and then suddenly he decides to wake up every 40 minutes.  One day he'll nap for an hour and the next day his naps are 15 minutes tops.

But I wouldn't trade this for anything.  Y'all, this kid.  He makes my heart swell and every day I feel like I'm going to explode from love.  Being home with him everyday, while incredibly difficult, has been so rewarding.  I know being a SAHM isn't for everyone and some can't afford to do it.  While we can't live the same lifestyle we were living before with now only having one income, it's possible for us, and we knew this was the right decision for our family at this time.

So now you all have your answer.  I don't have a date I'm returning to work at my old employer because I have a new boss.  And he happens to be the cutest 3 month old to grace this planet (I'm not baised at all).


  1. I'd love to hear your thoughts about why you chose not to return to work. Working in HR I see a lot of moms who are making this choice, and I always wonder how they come about their decisions... I'm not sure what I want to do when I have kids. Right now I can't imagine leaving my job, but that may change!

  2. I have to say (not that I am truly qualified to have an opinion) that I am glad you decided to stay home. Your job was so super stressful. I know you loved it, but it took up so much of your time and precious energies that I cannot even imagine how you would have done both. Enjoy your new job!

  3. It's such a personal decision and I am glad you were able to choose the right thing for your family! Jaxon is a lucky little boy to get so much time with his mama!

  4. I'm so excited for you!!! I've been meaning to ask you if you were planning to go back to work or not but I kept forgetting to ask when I was close to my phone! Like everyone else, I'm curious to hear your reasons. I'm also excited because this means the Jax pictures will JUST KEEP COMING YAY!!!

  5. Every family and situation is different. The only people that should matter and have an opinion on the subject is you and Nick! Congrats on your decision. He really is super cute!!

  6. You have a beautiful baby and I don't blame you in the slightest for wanting to be home with him - tell the others its nowt to do with them. Reading this from the UK, I'm surprised they're asking at only 12 weeks! Okay we might be spoilt (okay we are spoilt) Maternity/Paternity Leave wise but you must have something similar in the US?

  7. That is GREAT news! I know how you loved the product of your work but how demanding and exhausting it was at the same time. Gotta do what's best for YOU and YOUR family, mama! :)

  8. Aw! I'm happy for you that you're able to do this, but I'm sure it was a super tough decision.

  9. Seriously though...he is freaking adorable!

  10. So, since we work(worked for you) at the same place, I would actually love love love to chat with you on this topic. I totally think you are a rockstar for making this decision BTW. Especially considering you are so passionate about the cause. So happy for you and your little guy and all the time you will now get to spend together.

  11. Good for you, Mel! Your new boss is adorable :)

  12. Good decision - only you know what decision is best for you and your family!

  13. How adorable is he!!!! Congrats, girl, on making the choice that is right for you and your little family right at this moment--that's what's important and don't let anyone tell you different! :) Can't wait to read more!

  14. Aww, congrats! I think this is wonderful. You go girl and rock that new job:) You deserve it and it's really great you're doing what you know is right. I wonder too if that's the path I'll want to take once we have a little one. They kinda change your priorities, huh?

  15. I'm happy you made the best decision for you and your family -- that's all that matters!! :) XO
