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Monday, September 14, 2015

Jaxon: Four Months

Height & Weight:  13 pounds and 12 ounces and 25 inches :)

Routine:  If you remember last month, I tossed all the books aside and decided to let Jaxon lead.  We've been a much happier duo :)  He's still too young to really have a schedule and our routine is usually nap when he gets sleepy, nurse when he wakes up, play until he gets sleepy.  Sometimes he nurses before his naps and sometimes he doesn't.  Just depends on how hungry the little milk monster is.

Sleeping:  The past month was great with sleep until this past week when we were approaching the 4 month mark.  We've definitely hit the 4 month sleep regression, which I somehow forgot existed.  Until this point, he was sleeping for 6-7 hour stretches at night.  It was great!  He'd sleep off and on until somewhere between 11-12am, nurse and then go back to sleep until anywhere between 6am-8am, nurse, and go back down for another 2 hours now.  Now?  He's waking every 1-2 hours.  It's killing me!  Thankfully he just wakes to nurse and then goes back to sleep relatively quickly.  (He might not even need to nurse but it calms him and gets him (us) to sleep faster so I'm all for it.)
His naps range anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, but never more than hour.  I would say 90% of the time he puts himself to sleep.  I notice his tired cues, put him in his zippy, lay him down, he talks to himself for about 10 minutes, maybe fusses for 5 minutes (fusses, not cries), and then he's out!
We are officially out of the swaddle and are in a Zipadee-Zip.  It works so well for him.  He's now sleeping on his side and I'm worried soon he'll roll onto his belly.  The Zippy provides some restraint so it still mimics the womb and makes him feel secure.  It also helps to control the startle reflex so he doesn't wake from that.  But his arms and legs are free enough that he can use them to roll himself.  Not to mention, he looks too adorable in it!

Diet/Eating:  He is still 100% breastfed :)

Health:  At the doctor this week, I voiced some concerns and she confirmed what I had been wondering for a while and that is that he has acid reflux.  I thought he might have some food allergies because he seems to get tummy aches easily, more so in the evening.  I know milk and eggs are common allergies so I cut those out and it still happened.  She said it's hard to tell in babies, but after asking a few more questions, she thinks the stomach discomfort might be from acid reflux.  We got some meds and after a few short weeks, we should start to see some improvement in his spitting up and discomfort.
Other than that, his doctor said he looks perfect!!!  Makes this mama happy!!!

Movement:  Wiggle.Worm.  This kid is always moving.  Flailing about!  He's always kicking his legs, flailing his arms, swatting at toys, etc.  This kid looooooves to move!  I am in for a world of trouble once he's mobile.

He's not rolling just yet.  A few days ago he did roll from his back to belly but I think it was a fluke.  He does roll on his sides a lot, and he scoots himself all over the place.  When we lay him down at night, by the time he wakes up, he's done a complete 180 and is laying the opposite direction.

Mood:  We've reached a turning point I think.  Not that he was a "bad" baby before, but I feel like his fussy times are very infrequent now.  He's always smiling and talking to himself.  He loves to smile when he sees us and it's my absolute favorite thing ever.

Sizes: He is out of all 0-3 month clothes (minus Puma brand, he's still in 0-3 in that) and now in 3 month or 3-6 month clothing.  Most 3-6 month clothes are really big on him, but it's better than clothes cutting into his armpits and junk.  I had to retire so many of his adorable sleepers and it makes me so sad because sleepers are my favorite attire for babies.  Shorts are a different story.  His waist is too big for newborn; they squeeze him too much.  But all of his 0-3 shorts (I'm talking the cute plaid or "nice" shorts, not cotton casual shorts) are huge on him!  They are loose in the waist and come down almost to his ankles!  Thus why my child is always pantless.

Likes:  Human interaction.  He just likes for you to pay attention to him and talk to him.  Making silly faces and silly noises is sure to get a huge smile from him.  He has the BEST reactions.

Still loving to hold his fists up in the air.

He also is learning to make sounds when I move my fingers on his mouth and he loves it!

He loves tv.  I'm sure it's just the movement and colors and flashes but regardless, he's fixated on it when it's on.  He loves to watch the Cardinals games with us :)
He still loves to sit up so we got him this Sit Me Up Chair and he loves it!

He loves his OBall because it's easy to grab and bring to his mouth.  It's the one toy he can easily grab.
He's still loving being outside.  I cannot wait for it to cool off a little bit so that walks are more bearable for him.  Poor guy gets so hot strapped into that car seat!

Dislikes:  Tummy time.  Kid hates it.  One minute max and he's crying.
Anything spicy.  Sad for mama :(

Milestones:  We got some real laughs, but he doesn't do them often.  He has the widest grin that should come with a audible laugh, but he only laughs occasionally.
He rolled from back to belly, but again, he only did it once.
He still doesn't grasp too many things yet.  He swats at them and attempts it.  He's slowly learning to open his fist to grab things but the only thing he's able to grab is this ball.  We actually picked it up at the store and I didn't think he'd grab it (since he hadn't yet...that's a skill that comes in and is mastered around 5-6 months) but he grabbed it, brought it to his mouth, and started trying to chew it.  (Which was kind of gross since we were still in the store and I hadn't cleaned it yet).  The large holes make it really easy for him to grab.

Things That I Don't Want to Forget:
Jaxon got to meet his family this month!  We traveled home to Missouri and we had a big get together with my family and one with Nick's family (more on this in another post).  It was so great to have my siblings finally meet him.  They loved him and it just makes my heart so happy to look at these pictures of Jaxon with my family.

Mama Update:  I'm doing much better.  My health is still on the mend, but emotionally and mentally, I'm feeling better.  Taking care of Jaxon is the most rewarding thing I've ever done, but also the most difficult. Some days are better than others.  Some days I feel like I'm living Groundhog Day since Jaxon isn't able to do too much and it's too hot to really get out and about and do anything.  But things are getting better as he's becoming a little more active :)

Daddy Update:  Jaxon loves his daddy!!!!  It's adorable to watch their bond growing stronger each day.  It's going to be rough this next month with him gone a lot :(  I know Nick is not looking forward to missing out on his life so much, but that's just the reality of our lifestyle.  Thank goodness for technology.  I can take and send him photos and vidoes and hopefully we can FaceTime while he's gone.

Doggie Update:  Same as last month.  Vino is still slowing warming up.  However, she did lay by him in the hotel.  She laid NEAR him and we forced her to lay down by him, BUT she stayed there and didn't mind it!!  That's progress, folks!

Yadi still loves him and cleans him all the time.

What we did this month:
Jaxon took his first roadtrip!!!  We drove from Jacksonville, FL to St. Louis, Missouri and back.  We split it into two days; traveled halfway, stopping in Chattanooga.  All things considered, he did great!

Jaxon also had his first experience with a babysitter!  A girl in Nick's squadron offered to babysit him while we went out on a date.  She's been great with Jaxon every time we're at a squadron event so I had to issues with leaving him with her.  It was so nice to get out and have our FIRST date since he arrived.  It was long overdue and I'm hoping we can make it at least a monthly thing (when Nick's here).  She said he was great, so let's hope that's true and she wasn't just being nice.  As for me?  I was nervous but not too nervous.  But after those four hours, I was ready to get home and snuggle my baby.

Jaxon also had his first experiences on a slide, a baby swing, and  a swing with his daddy.
He also got to take his first ride in the M3 (we put the top up before leaving) as I learned to drive Nick's car (it's a manual).
Jaxon also was able to experience his first of many trips to the hospital with me.  I had my endoscopy and he came along.  Having him made recovery (pictured below) much better.  I was in pain but snuggling him afterwards helped a lot!  It's been nice having Nick as my support and now I've added another one to my team of supporters.  

Jaxon also got to experience his first at the Northeast Florida Mizzou Alumni Chapter's Watch Party.  Everyone loved him and he loved it.  He was even watching the game!!  Mizzou Class of 2037 right there, folks!!!


  1. I can't believe he's already 4 months old!!!

  2. Yay baby! So excited everything is going as smoothly as it can for you :)

  3. I can't believe how big he's getting! MAKE IT STOP MOM!
    He seriously is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen in my entire life!
