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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Start 'Em Young, Raise 'Em Right: Mizzou Class of 2037

If you know me, then you know I have great pride for my Alma mater, Mizzou.  I miss my college days; they were some of the best of my life.  I miss the traditions, the campus, the football games, the activities, the rec center, the town itself.  I miss it all.  It saddens me that I don't get to go back and visit often.  I'm envious of my family and friends that can travel there whenever they want because it's only 2 hours from home.

I was going to say I secretly hope Jaxon chooses to go to Mizzou, but that's not really a secret.  I'm already advocating for it in so many ways.

One of those ways is through Mizzou football.  I absolutely love college football season!!  Tailgating and going to the games were some of my favorite times while living in Columbia.  Sadly, I don't get to go to many games since we live in Florida.  I went to one game last year when they crushed the Gators in Gainesville, but that means I won't get to see them play again until 2016 season. Thankfully we live in SEC country and I'm able to watch most of the games.

People are always telling me how much Jaxon looks like Nick.  I'm not too sure he got much from me, but one thing is certain....his love of Mizzou football!!

I am a part of the Mizzou Alumni Association and thankfully, we have a Northeast Florida Chapter.  Every Saturday we gather together to watch the games out at a restaurant so of course, we bring Jaxon along.  Have to teach him young!

During the first Mizzou game of the season, Jaxon had a blast!  He was perfect the entire game, not crying once!  Even when everyone screamed M-I-Z!!  Z-O-U!!  He looked a little concerned, but didn't cry.  During the game, he sat on Nick's lap and watched the game.  I mean, does it get any cuter than this?!

Daddy and son watching football.  Jaxon loved it.  He was fixated on the tv up there pretty much the entire time he was awake.

This past weekend, the game didn't start until 7:30pm and that's typically Jaxon's bedtime, not to mention he is coming down with a bad cough, so we stayed home.  I set him down on the couch to go do something quickly and when I came back, he was into the game.  I could not break his concentration on it for anything.

Makes this mama so proud!!!  We continued to cuddle and watch our Tigers for a bit.

After a while, I went to put him down.  He just wasn't having bedtime and wouldn't stop crying.  I brought him back to the living room and he was perfectly content to sit with his daddy and watch the game for a little bit longer before finally going to bed.

I know Nick wants him to go to the United States Naval Academy as he did, but I think Jaxon is a lil Tiger in the making!!  Watch out Mizzou, Jaxon is heading your way in 18 years!


  1. That's so cute! Haha when I have kids they are going to Murray State. No if, ands, or buts! Haha, I'm already telling Andy when he goes officer he HAS to go to my alma mater for ROTC.

  2. I love this so much! MIZ!!! :)

    Dan is already advocating strongly for Annabelle to go to USAFA... free college, right? We'll see how she feels about that, haha. I had a hard enough time coping with HIM being there... I can't even imagine dropping my baby off there one day!

  3. MIZZOU! I may not have gone there myself but I love the Tigers. I wouldn't be opposed to my kiddos going there one day.

  4. Jaxon is so cute! And I hope you have a future tiger on your hands!

    Love Always,

  5. He just wanted to finish the game, Mom! JEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!! ;P
