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Monday, November 24, 2014

Our Sincerest Thank You

Nicholas and I are overwhelmed with the love and support we've received since announcing that God has blessed us with a child.  In a matter of just 24 hours, we received more phone calls, text messages, Facebook comments, emails, etc from family and friends sharing their excitement with us.
We had plans to run errands all day yesterday, but it was difficult to get off the couch and out of the house with the outpouring of love that was nonstop.  And we aren't one bit mad!
Nick made the joke that we were going to break Facebook with all the support we received.

There truly are no words to express our gratitude.  Nicholas and I are just over the moon with this pregnancy, especially not knowing if it would ever be possible.  To know that so many others share in our excitement has brought me to tears many, many times (I'd say two thirds of that is genuine, and the last third is all thanks to those insane pregnancy hormones).  This baby is only 13 weeks old and is already loved by so many people, near and far.  Baby Obie is one very lucky miracle.

For as long as I've been alive, I've known just how blessed I truly am with the family and friends God has brought into my life.  Throughout the years, through all the joys and struggles life has thrown my way, I've realized more and more just how blessed I was with my family and friends, always there for me.  And now, with this pregnancy announcement, I just feel I can't thank God enough.  My heart is so full and each day I'm amazed at how much fuller it becomes.
Thank you, everyone, for sharing in our joy.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. 


  1. This made me smile - congratulations indeed!

  2. So happy for you guys. You deserve all the happiness and joy this little one will bring.

  3. I am seriously so excited for you... you have no idea! I haven't been this excited for a pregnancy besides my sister and one of my closest friends!!! You're going to make such great parents! :D
