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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pregnancy Update: Week 13

Good morning!!!  Now that my pregnancy is public knowledge, I will start posting weekly updates.  I've been taking these chalkboard updates each week since I found out and plan to post them in the next two weeks or so.
Since I'm currently in my 13th week, I'm starting here for now so I don't fall even further behind!

How far along?  13 weeks

Baby size?  The size of a peach; about 2.9 inches long and weighs about 0.81 ounces

Baby progress?  Baby Obie is forming vocal cords and teeth and already has fingerprints.  The intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their permanent place in the tummy.  Baby has the ability to make fists  and making sucking movements with the muscles in the mouth.  All the organs in the digestive system (stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines) are developing into their final shapes.  The baby's lungs are practicing breathing using the amniotic fluid instead of oxygen.  Baby also has tiny hairs developing all over his/her body, but those will fall out shortly after birth.  The bones are also becoming more solid.

Weight gain?  None.

Stretch marks?  Not yet but I use Bio Oil every night and alternate between Burt's Bee Mama Butter and Palmer's each morning.

Sleep?  Still sleeping fairly well.  I only wake up to pee and am able to go right back to sleep.  It's a welcomed changed from my insomnia days pre-pregnancy!

Morning sickness?  Still none.  Haven't had any since I've been pregnant and I'm very thankful for that.
Food aversions?  Nope.  Smells don't really bother me either.
Urination?  Often but that's nothing new. I had the nickname "acorn bladder" before I was pregnant and not much has changed.  I pee more frequently than before, but not that much more.  I'm used to going often so I don't really notice it.  
Acid reflux?  I haven't noticed that it's any worse than usual.  I already suffer from insanely bad acid reflux and take prescription medication twice a day for it so I think that's helping....for now.
Boobs?  Still incredibly sore.  Their growth has slowed down.  I'm still in a C cup bra but I think this weekend I might have to bite the bullet and buy a D cup :/
Fatigue?  Extreme.  But I'll cover that below.
Pregnancy brain?  Yep!  Mix that with chemo brain and I'm a mess.  Eggs in the pantry and toothpaste in the fridge.  Yep, it happened.  Asking Nick the same question six times and never remembering his answer?  Daily.
I also get headaches pretty frequently which I'm told is normal and is due to the increased blood flow.  It's annoying but manageable.  I try my best not to take Tylenol.  It's safe but I don't want to take medication every day unless absolutely necessary.
Back-ne:  I've always been told that acne can occur when you're pregnant and I can attest to that.  It's not horrible but it's definitely noticeable. Along with that is acne on my upper arms and upper back.  What the heck?!  It's not bad, and it's just flesh-colored bumps, not massive red zits. But annoying none the less.
Itchy skin:  I had no idea this was a pregnancy symptom but I've since learned it is.  My skin is more itchy, but mainly just my shins.  I want to just scratch them so hard but I try to refrain.  Some days, I don't realize I'm doing it and I've broken the skin!  I keep them very well moisturized but it doesn't seem to help :(
Cloudy vision:  another weird symptom that I've come to learn is common.  It's worse with contacts in so I've been trying to wear my glasses more.

Cravings?  Pizza and root beer, as have been my cravings since week 6.  Pre-pregnancy I craved green beans ALL THE TIME.  I wanted them with every dinner and would make enough to take leftovers for work the next day.  That craving is gone.  I still like them, but I don't find myself wanting them.  I used to eat them at dinner 2-3 times a week (which meant leftovers for lunch 2-3 times a week) but I think in the past 9 weeks, I've made them once!

Movement?  Last Thursday (Nov 20th) we saw that sweet baby moving and squirming all over, but I can't feel anything yet!  (Nick is so confused how this baby can be moving so much, yet I don't feel it.  I tried to explain that the baby is still too small but he thinks something the size of a peach moving all over should be able to be felt.)

Workouts & Activity?  Nope.  I'm still in that extremely exhausted stage.  Making my bed, sitting on the couch folding laundry, walking up the stairs, every single thing has me so out of breath and feeling like I'm dying.  It's seriously so frustrating because I feel so lazy but I honestly can't bring myself to do anything.  I tried pushing myself one day and it ended up with me incredibly dizzy and feeling like I was going to pass out.  So for now, my workout is working my 10-12 hour days with zero naps, even though my body and eyelids beg for one everyday around 1pm (and I've NEVER been a napper!)

How are you feeling?  Aside from the extreme fatigue, I feel great!  Nothing to really complain about.  I'm a little anxious to get my results back from the first trimester screening.  The measurements taken during the sonogram were perfect so now I'm just awaiting the blood tests.  I'm getting excited to know in the next few weeks I should begin to feel this little baby moving! I'm also just over the moon with excitement since we made our pregnancy public on social media this past weekend.  Until now, only our closest friends and family knew.  Once we announced it, the outpouring of love and excitement was overwhelming.  This baby is so loved!  (Thank you again!)

Best moment this week?  There were two.  The first was our first trimester screening.  We had a ultrasound to get measurements and make sure baby is growing and look for any warning signs for chromosomal disorders.  During the ultrasound, we needed the baby to turn to profile view and he/she just kept staring straight at us.  For a good 20 minutes (maybe longer) we just got to watch our baby staring at us, wiggling around, bringing his/her hand to his/her face and rubbing it's eyes.  It was adorable.
The other best moment this week was sharing our news on social media and making it public.  The response was more than we could have asked for and so many people are just so excited for us.  It warmed my heart to have so many people sharing in our joy.  

Worst moment this week?  Nick and I went to a Hail and Bail Ugly Christmas Sweater Party with his squadron and there was a keg.  The smell of beer filled the air and I was really, really, REALLY craving a beer.  It sucked.  But I have at least 6 more months of that torture.  Good thing this sweet baby is worth it!

What do you miss?  Being able to workout and do normal activities without having to take a break.  I miss coming home and actually being productive.  I miss not worrying every day....worrying if I'm doing what's best and if I'm being the healthiest and best mama I can be.

Things that suck?  Back fat.  That's something I've never had in my life and something I am not used to.  Sure, I don't have much and most people probably can't even tell, but I know my body and I know that I've never, ever had back fat.  And now I'm starting to get some :(

Things that don't suck?  Home fetal dopplers.  I can hear this sweet baby's heartbeat any time I want.  It makes any bad day better.

As you can see, I don't have too much of a bump.  Some might say I have nothing, but I can assure you, I do.  I don't ever really plan to post bare belly photos so consider this your one.  Here is my before and after photo.  I went from very flat and fit to...well, not so much flat and fit!

I've heard some people say the stronger your abdominal muscles, the harder it is for your belly to pop and it'll take longer to show (clearly not the case for me).  I've also heard others say it doesn't matter about your abdominal muscles, being thin causes you to show earlier.
Either way, I'm showing. Not much and I can hide it well in clothes, but I'm showing for sure!  I no longer have protruding hip bones and my six pack has disappeared.  My stomach used to be FLAT.  I'm talking, came straight down from my sternum under my boobs.  Now, it clearly juts out.  My pants don't fit unless I do the trusty ponytail holder trick.

It's a weird adjustment but my husband lets me know he thinks I'm beautiful.  I know I'm only getting bigger due to pregnancy but I'm anxious to get my old body back and hit the gym with hardcore workouts and lifting.  Countdown to 8 months from now for that!  haha.  But it's all for the baby so it's okay.

Check back this weekend for my previously weekly updates!!!


  1. You look so cute! I am sure you will bounce back. The toothpaste in the fridge and the eggs in the pantry! Haha! That would be frustrating.

  2. I guess I live in a hole because I've never heard of that ponytail trick...but now I know it! :)

    ...and congrats again!!

  3. Haha I think you look better than I do these days even with the baby bump! Congrats!!

  4. Congratulations again pretty mama! The fatigue is the worst. My first and third trimesters were awful. All I wanted to do was sleep. But you are right... it is so worth it!
