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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mike & Alex's Wedding {Weekend}

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Mike and Alex's wedding.

For those that do not know, Mike is Nick's cousin.  But he's much more than that.  He's one of Nick's best friends; he's Nick's "brother."  With Nick being an only child, he's always seen Mike as a brother because they spent so much time together when they were younger and while growing up.  Which is why Nicholas chose Mike to be the best man in our wedding.

Nick was also given the honor of being the best man in Mike's wedding.  So after much back and forth on Nick's leave days and when we'd be in town, we headed to St. Louis on Thursday, November 15th around 1pm.  We got in to St. Louis just before 1am, inevitably woking my parents up, spending about an hour with them, then went to sleep.

On Friday we headed downtown to NEO, the reception site, to help set up.  It was basically a giant room with windows the length of three walls of brick, and all the industrial touches to the ceiling showing.  Very unique.  And when all the chairs, tables, linens, decor, centerpieces, etc were brought in...WOW!  The plain and empty room look AMAZING!!!  It was gorgeous!  I was excited to see what it would look like the night of the wedding, with it pitch black outside, the lights, candles, and lanterns all lit up.  (And I was right...the reception was so beautiful the next evening!)

After setting up and decorating, we went back to Mike's and hung out then all headed to the church for the rehearsal.  Megan had "stolen" Mike's DSLR camera (Megan is Mike's sister) and asked me to take a bunch of photos.  Don't have to ask me twice!  I loooooove taking photos, and hundreds at that.  Not to mention I'm RIDICULOUSLY envious of anyone with a DSLR (I'm wishing there is a DSLR Fairy who is going to drop a Rebel T4i under my Christmas tree) so taking tons of photos was super fun for me!  But because of using his camera, I don't have photos to share with you from this =(  (We're planning to steal Mike's photos while we're home over Christmas).

Then we all headed to Bogey Hills Country Club for a delicious dinner and some mingling.  I did mangage to get TWO whole photos there!  lol...and they're both crappy quality.  Stupid iPhone 4S, I thought you were supposed to be a "decent" camera?!

Afterwards, Nick and I parted ways.  He went back to Mike's house to stay with him and I went back to my parents house to sleep with my puppies =)

The next afternoon, Mom, Dad, and I all headed to the church for the ceremony.  Again, I was put in charge of photos with Mike's camera so I don't really have any photos to share other than a few random iPhone photos (again, will be stealing Mike's over Christmas).

I must say, Nick looked so handsome!  This was the first time I had ever seen him in a tuxedo.  He has worn a nice suit numerous times before, but with all the weddings he's been in, he was always in his uniform.  It was a very nice change =)

The ceremony was beautiful.  Poor Mike was so nervous but the moment Alex came walking down the aisle, you could see his nerves vanish.  That's what a marriage should be.  Completion of one another.  Calming each other.  Making each other feel comfortable.  It's obvious Alex does that for him.  Not to mention, I've never seen Mike smile so freaking big as he did when she joined hands with him at the alter.  It was just a lovely ceremony and it was so great to be able to witness Mike marrying the love of his life.  And thank goodness he found Alex!  From day one, we've loved her.  She's great for Mike, but as an individual, she's also a really great person.  Mike definitely got lucky!  I just wish we were living in St. Louis and could hang out with a lot more.
Nick and the Maid of Honor, Stephanie, Alex's sister
The Green's:  Megan, Uncle Scott, Alex, Mike, and Aunt Debbie

After the ceremony, the wedding party plus their dates all hopped on the party bus.  We headed to Forest Park and they took photos at the Grand Basin and then at the Muny.

Then it was off to the reception where we enjoyed a fabulous dinner, delicious cake and dessert bar, and lots of fun dancing.  [And I've learned that Nick's problem with dancing isn't that he doesn't have rhythm.  It's simply that he can't remember steps and counts.  I tried to teach him The Wobble at the reception.  Oh boy.  God love him but he just couldn't remember the very simple repetitive steps lol
First Dance

First Dance

My wonderful parents 

My Mom and Nicholas (this picture makes me smile so big!)

with my Dad

The next day, we woke up, left the hotel, and headed to my parents house.  Nick was flying back to Florida that evening (he had to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday then would be flying back to Florida for Thanksgiving) and he just couldn't not see his dogs!!!  (sensing my sarcasm).  Poor guy hadn't seen them since Friday and if we didn't go back there, he wouldn't see them again until Thursday!  *gasp*  (How this kid thinks he can survive a deployment away from his dogs when he gets depressed after 6 days, I'll never know.)  After Nick got enough cuddles in with pups, we headed back up...over...whatever (our families live about 45 minutes apart) for lunch.
Mike and Alex invited their close friends and family back to Mike's parents house for lunch and to watch the couple open their gifts.  And to just hang out a little more before some had to head back out of town.  It was really nice to see all of Nick's family and have it be RELAXED and fun.  Obviously the wedding is fun but it was far from relaxing for everyone.  Weddings, while amazing things, are one big ball of stress!!  But always so worth it ;)

Then sadly the wedding weekend had to come to an end =(  We had to leave so I could get Nick off to the airport in time for his flight.  Thankfully this goodbye wasn't hard at all.  I would seeing him again in a few days when he returned on Thanksgiving Day =)  When you go 3+ months without seeing each other for four and a half years, a few days or even a few weeks are no big deal!

Green's....thank you for yet again another wonderful weekend with you.  We cannot thank you enough for all the love and support you offer us.  I am so incredibly lucky to be able to call you all family =)

Mike and Alex...congratulations!!!  We couldn't imagine a better couple.  We are so happy this day has finally arrived and that we were able to be in town to witness your marriage and to help you celebrate.  It was a gorgeous wedding and I can't wait to see your professional photos!  Alex you were stunning and I'm sure you already know you're marrying into a wonderful family!!  Here's to a lifetime of happiness and love!  We love you both!

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